Latest Stories in "Small Business Spotlight"

Resolution Reboot – Recharge Your Workout

As the spark of New Year’s resolutions begin to flicker out and determination begins to wear off, many people begin a never-ending battle to beat the resolution slump. In fact, research shows at least a third of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned before the end of January and less than 25% of them are Long-term. […]

New Websites Assist Student Athletes During Recruiting Process announces the launch of their individual athlete websites, designed to assist student athletes during the recruiting process. “Getting recruited by college, even high school, sports teams has become increasingly competitive and challenging for student athletes. We are offering a solution that allows athletes to stand out from the rest of the crowd and allow […]

Troy Pesola Relaunches MobiusLife to Help Wellness Businesses Grow

MobiusLife has been relaunched to help wellness professionals find more customers, keep them longer, and help improve their wellness during a time of dramatically increasing healthcare costs. Individuals and employers are recognizing the need to refocus on wellness; wellness professionals have a huge potential to help transform consumers’ focus. In the book The Next Trillion, […]

International Business Strategist Trinise L. Kennedy Shares Small Business Plan to Lower Local Staffing Costs

Trinise L. Kennedy of, leads a group discussion today, at the Empowered Women in Business Group—revealing affordable, local outsourcing options for small business owners and announcing the launch of her new program, “Outsourcing Secrets for the Solopreneur” which shows entrepreneurs how to effectively hire dedicated staff, within their own cities, at little to no […]

Rochester SEO Expert Andrew Wroblewski Interviewed For The Brian Tracy Show

Andrew Wroblewski of, an online marketing firm, was recently featured on the Brian Tracy Show as an authority on search engine optimization and “marketing systemics”. Brian Tracy is an internationally recognized speaker, author, having spoken to millions of people around the globe and personally responsible to helping over 5,000,000 people reach their goals over […]

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