Personal Branding Expert Stephanie Hetu Creates a Unique Resource for Entrepreneurs Around the Globe

Stephanie Hetu, french-canadian personal branding expert, has created a new resource to help entrepreneurs from outside the US find help to build their own personal brand.

“One of the main thing I see holding back entrepreneurs from becoming the authority in their own market and solidifying their long term business success is the lack of help from a local expert that can understand their language and culture”, said Stephanie Hetu. “This is the reason why I decided to build a unique directory of personal branding experts from around the world.”

Dan Schawbel, personal branding expert, echoes Stephanie Hetu’s statement on the importance of building a personal brand to build a sustainable business.

Mr. Schawbel has been quoted before saying, “Your personal brand serves as your best protection against business factors you can’t control.”

This is about finding the right person to help you build your brand in your own country and language. Cultural differences are often very subtle, and even though a branding expert from the US can help entrepreneurs from other countries, it is never the same as working with someone who speak the same language and understand your local market.

In this new worldwide directory are already listed 85+ personal branding experts from 15 different countries who can help entrepreneurs build their brand locally. By building a solid personal brand, entrepreneurs from around the world can solidify their business growth even in times when the economy is not very positive.

Entrepreneurs can find a local personal branding expert by visiting