While the stock market may be showing some healthy returns, that is not the case for every part of the US economy and the average American is looking for ways to add additional income to their budgets. Investing in real estate may be the answer for some.
“Most people think investing in real estate is for the elite, but that is simply not the case” said Brodie Allred a former appraiser turned real estate pro. “All anyone needs is the desire, work ethic and the know how to find the deals” continued Allred who has co-authored a book with Mark Buchs on real estate investing called The Art of Getting Deals.
In recent years, the economy has taken a blow with job losses and corporate lay-offs, so many Americans have turned to side jobs, including real estate investing, as a way to add extra income to their budgets. A current look at the real estate market will show a high demand for quality homes at affordable prices. Home builders have seen a spike in sales and many of them have been hard pressed to keep up with the demand so sales of existing homes have increased as well. With this new data, there are still many properties on the market that could be purchased, fixed up and sold for a profit.
“Someone is going to go out and put these deals together, why not you?” added Mark Buchs who is partners with Brodie and recently left the confines of the corporate world to become a full time real estate investor. “The most important part of investing is knowing where to find the deals. Once you know that, the rest is easy” Mark said.
Real estate investing is nothing new. There are plenty of television shows that have come about regarding the world of property flipping. Brodie and Mark started their business part time and when they discovered how profitable the business could be, they quickly dove in full time.
A recent article in Forbes echoed Brodie and Marks message by saying that real estate investing takes hard work, research, study and making smart decisions.
From the research, it appears that buying and selling real estate is going to be a profitable business for the foreseeable future. This may prove to be a great opportunity for both full time and part time investors.
To find out more about Brodie and Mark’s story, you can read about them at www.TheArtofGettingDeals.com