Latest Stories in "Real Estate"

Real Estate Coaches Rick And Lisa Donner Release New Book

“The Real Estate Success Formula, 19 Proven Strategies to Make Money In Real Estate!” is set for release this month by Real Estate Coaches, Rick and Lisa Donner. When they first kicked off their Real Estate Investing business, Rick and Lisa researched the market on how to break into rescuing foreclosures and mailed out postcards and got only one […]

Carey Ann Cyr Helps Real Estate Agents Stay Current With Mortgage Lending 101 Classes

When it comes to real estate, today’s agents must juggle multiple balls ranging from real estate law, sales and marketing to lending. As the landscape for mortgage lending has changed, real estate agents often find themselves having to become more knowledgeable about the in’s and out’s of mortgage qualifications. “Today’s agent must keep up with a lot […]

In Response To Daily Stress, CCI Announces Unconventional Approach To Insurance Market

Dana Syens, Commercial Coverages, Inc. announces her ‘Unconventional Approach to Insurance Market’ to deliver, in a stressful world, an outstanding and unexpectedly positive experience when buying insurance. “Having worked in the insurance industry all of my adult life, I know that for most people, buying insurance can be a stressful, frustrating task that no one […]

Auxesis Outreach & CEO Dehaven Fields Poised For Rampant Growth

Dehaven Fields, the CEO of Auxesis Outreach, Inc. has recently awarded the revamping of the organization’s website to 03 Strategies, Inc. in an attempt to keep up with the company’s exponential growth. Auxesis offers financial aid services and solutions to communities facing difficult financial conditions. Mr. Fields’ background is an interesting one. He had been […]

Ed Reams Reveals Why Buying Or Selling Real Estate Doesn’t Have To Hurt

Ed Reams, Owner/Broker of Advantage Chatuge Realty, guides his clients through a real estate landscape littered with potential land mines. After thirty years in the advertising agency business, and twelve years practicing real estate – and with the scar tissue to prove it – Reams shares his knowledge and insight into where to focus your […]

Atlanta Broker Shelly Gee CEO Of Springboard International Realty Inc. (SIR) Helps International Clients Find The Right American Properties

With over two decades of Real Estate experience in luxury properties from New York City to Atlanta, Shelly Gee has an innate understanding of the real estate needs of a global clientele. Her company, Springboard International Realty, Inc. (SIR), specializes in Residential, Commercial and Investment Real Estate transactions. Her client base and affiliates are positioned […]

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