Latest Stories in "Real Estate"

Chad Hett Of Elite Group Property Inspection Service, Inc. Announces Book Release

Chad Hett, Vice President/Co-Founder of The Elite Group Property Inspection Service, Inc., has announced the release of his new book coming in May 2015. Hett’s book, “Secrets Of Top Producing Real Estate Agents: An Insider’s Guide to Duplicating Their Success,” assimilates decades of a unique, insider perspective on what it takes to be successful in […]

Why Spring Cleaning Is Important For Health

Your house just doesn’t feel as good towards the end of the winter as it did at the beginning of the fall. You’ve been shut up inside for the better part of up to 5 months, the air in the house is stale, the carpets are hit and you’re just ready for some new life […]

Spring Cleaning Can Keep Ice Melt From Ruining Carpet And Floors

Your carpet and floors don’t look as good at the end of winter. Ice melt salt is a HUGE cause. Every time you walk in your home or step into your vehicle, you track in these harmful chemicals. One company in Colorado Spring, CO is educating the public to dangers these chemicals can have when […]

San Diego Real Estate: Questions Needing Answers

Low interest rates and the approaching Spring buying season seem to be re-energizing the San Diego real estate market. Real estate website Trulia pinpoints the neighborhoods of Rancho Bernardo, Pacific Beach and Carmel Valley as leading in popularity for area buyers. But those entering this real estate market have concerns. One of them is the […]

Homeowners Can Sell High Sell Fast And Sell Smart With Urban Orchid Designs

“Having your home staged is typically the best investment a seller can make,” says Valarie Dionne, owner of Urban Orchid Designs. “It helps you sell high, sell fast, and sell smart. It’s in the numbers, and it works.” Some sellers who stage their homes are able to sell their homes for an average of 10% more than […]

Brenda Thompson, Asheville, NC Realtor Helps Buyers Find Unique Mountain Properties

Brenda Thompson, owner of the boutique real estate agency, Special “Finds…” helps buyers from all over the globe find unique properties in the western North Carolina mountains. Like the properties she sells, her agency is truly one-of-a-kind with a focus on unique properties with a lot of character. She has owned the agency for nineteen […]

Barrington Malcolm, L.A. Real Estate Investor, Sees Resurgence In South L.A. Properties

CEO of Dynasty Dynamics Inc., Barrington Malcolm, says urban properties in South Los Angeles once termed “South Central L.A.” (an area that was previously shunned by many buyers) is now being viewed in a new light and gaining rapid growth. The Crenshaw/Baldwin Hills district has been home to doctors, entertainers, and politicians since the 1960’s. […]

Beverly Hills Real Estate Expert Shelley Brown Reveals Trend

Real Estate Expert Shelley Brown of John Aaroe Group | Beverly Hills, specializing in Luxury Properties, reveals one of the latest trends with sophisticated investors in Los Angeles Luxury Real Estate. Brown sees International Billionaires, Technology gurus and Entertainers migrating to High End real estate, not only as a magnificent  place to reside, but for […]

Adding Value When Selling A Home

Sellers are always looking for tips to add value when selling their home. Here are a few simple tips to help you accomplish your objective. Before we get started, try to separate yourself from the emotion of the situation. I know, I know, your children grew up in the house. It’s where your children took […]

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