Brenda Thompson, owner of the boutique real estate agency, Special “Finds…” helps buyers from all over the globe find unique properties in the western North Carolina mountains. Like the properties she sells, her agency is truly one-of-a-kind with a focus on unique properties with a lot of character. She has owned the agency for nineteen years and has personally always owned unique houses. Thompson is the former director of marketing for the New York Stock Exchange.
Thompson’s agency, centered in Asheville, NC, helps buyers find unique properties within a two to three hour radius of Asheville, covering the entire western North Carolina mountain area. She combined her creative and poetic voice along with her marketing background and her love for unique properties to form her company, Special “Finds…” Her tagline is, “Special ‘Finds…,’ properties of unique character for those choosing something out of the ordinary.”
Thompson believes every Special “Find…” deserves a story and she brings life to properties with poetic descriptions to help buyers get a sense of what it’s like to live in each of her listings. She said, “Using poetry, I create a story about each property. I give each property a name, I tell a story from the property’s point of view. I use as many of the senses as I can. My goal is to mentally transport buyers to the property from wherever they are as they read my description. I want to give a buyer the feeling of what it’s like when you become part of the house – it then becomes your home.”
Each Special “Find…” is fully described on the agency website with the poetic story, photos and details about the immediate local area. Thompson also personally reviews all property listings in the western NC mountain area. She then identifies properties that she would classify as unique, sorts them by style and type and catalogs them on the Special “Finds…” website. In one place buyers can find virtually any unique property in the mountain area without having to wade through the clutter of ordinary properties seen on typical agency websites.
Most buyers initially come through the Special “Finds…” website. Buyers visiting the site searching for a unique mountain property frequently linger for hours searching through the various unique property listings. Buyers often inquire about the listings by name or by elements of the property’s story, rather than the address. They remember “the house where the seven children grew up,” or “the place where the horses waited for the sound of the sliding barn door.”
Over the last nineteen years Thompson has helped buyers purchase hundreds of Special “Finds…”. Four homes have been purchased by remote buyers, just from the descriptions without the buyers physically seeing them prior to coming to the closing table. Most business is by referral and over the years several listings have been sold multiple times.
To learn more about Brenda Thompson and Special “Finds…” visit: http://SpecialFinds.com.