Latest Stories in "Expert Insights"

New Laser Technology Makes Dr. Rice And Her Patients Smile

What makes Dr. Kellye Rice, a dentist with 28 years of experience, still excited about going to work every day? This Brentwood, TN dentist has a new tool in her dental “toolbox”: the new state of the art Lightwalker Laser. Dr. Rice has been using laser technology in her practice for over a year now, […]

Salelynn Marketing’s Innovative Advertising Strategies Promise Every Client ROI

Online advertising and marketing has been a challenge for many small to midsize businesses. The need to keep and generate new customers is never ending.  Most business owners are busy with day to day operating duties. This makes it very difficult to jungle both operating the business and advertising it. But without advertising businesses often […]

Consumer Crusader Dan Desmond Fights For Set-Fee Real Estate Commissions

Dan Desmond, certified real estate broker and owner of Help-U-Sell  Bay Beach Realty is advocating for set-fee real estate commissions in the state of New Jersey. He claims American sellers of real estate are losing 5 billion dollars per year in unnecessary real estate fees and commissions, but his pleas to change government legislature have […]

Ken Conner And Combining Old-Fashioned Values With High Tech To Help Americans Save Serious Money

Ken Conner, the National Sales Director for is determined to help the average American drastically reduce their household expenses. Conner’s unique organization works with major brands to offer coupons and discounts on everyday items ranging from restaurants and grocery purchases to travel and movie tickets. is a membership site listing coupons and discounts […]

Ohio Real Estate Expert JT Szabo Committed To Educating First-Time Home Buyers

JT Szabo, a young, upwardly mobile Realtor servicing southwestern Ohio feels that home buyers of his generation generally lack the necessary knowledge to make smart buying and selling decisions. Szabo is well on his way to becoming the de-facto Real Estate expert in the under 35 generation, but the tips and suggestions he offers apply […]

Eileen Campbell, RN, Helps Hospitals Stop HCAHPS Scores From Backsliding

As founder and CEO of Boost Patient Experiences, Eileen Campbell has emerged as an expert in helping hospitals stop the backsliding of HCAHPS scores. Understanding that to create sustainable patient experiences, patient satisfaction efforts need to be much deeper than “smile training,” Eileen harnesses more than 30 years of experience on both the hospital side […]

Michigan Real Estate Expert, Shawn Butzin, Advises New Realtors To Think Outside The Box

Realtor Shawn Butzin offers advice, inspiration and practical tips to new realtors or anyone thinking about becoming a realtor. Butzin combines traditional marketing techniques with modern technology practices to give himself a seemingly unfair advantage in the market place. Like many soon-to-be entrepreneurs Shawn Butzin was in Denver sitting in a cubicle and working at […]

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