As founder and CEO of Boost Patient Experiences, Eileen Campbell has emerged as an expert in helping hospitals stop the backsliding of HCAHPS scores. Understanding that to create sustainable patient experiences, patient satisfaction efforts need to be much deeper than “smile training,” Eileen harnesses more than 30 years of experience on both the hospital side as a Registered Nurse and the business side of healthcare with 14 years of corporate experience and an MBA. Her unique combination of healthcare expertise and business acumen allows her to approach the patient experience from all possible angles.
“At Boost, we don’t believe in quick fixes,” she explains,“30 years of healthcare and business experience has shown us that Band-Aid tactics are not sustainable. While tactics are great first steps, sustainability occurs when the initial tactics are married to fundamental business efficiencies in the patient care delivery system. We work closely with Managers to identify the underlying challenges and processes that are impacting the patients experiences. Boost specializes in delivering the foundational root cause improvements that create cultures of sustainable patient experiences.”
In anticipation of the Value Based Purchasing Program, hospitals have worked diligently to enhance the patients experience; however in the first two years of the program more than 50% of hospitals are losing HCAHPS reimbursement dollars. This is Boost’s area of expertise, bridging the initial phase one patient satisfaction efforts to the phase two patient satisfaction efforts, sustainability. Campbell says, “Where I’m really positioned to help hospitals is in stopping the backsliding—all of the improvements that they’ve made in their scores over the past five years are backsliding, or they see a rollercoaster effect, they go up and go down—they’re not able to sustain the scores or to consistently provide positive patient experiences.” She adds, “I help them to ingrain their tactics and strategies into the organizational culture itself so that they can maintain positive patient experiences all the time, every time.”
Clients who have worked with Campbell and Boost Patient Experiences had the following to say:
Pamela Dupuis, Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services says, “Eileen Campbell provided a comprehensive program of education, mentoring, implementing, monitoring and evaluation that increased our HCAHPS scores in all dimensions by 20 to 30 points.” She adds, “At the start, our HCAHPS (patient experience) scores were below national standards. Our managers had been trained by a national authority on patient satisfaction strategies, but there was inadequate follow-through on staff education that focused on practical application and interdisciplinary engagement.”
The program, over a year’s time, focused on unit-based staff developed improvement plans, facilitated by supportive interactive staff and management education, unit staff-management collaborative discussions and monthly unit team report forums. She explains, “Eileen is a partner in an engagement – one who brings new ideas or approaches to the table, but also appreciates and supports the effective strategies you have in place.”
Ron Corti, President and CEO of St. John’s Riverside Hospital, Yonkers, NY says, “Eileen Campbell provides St. John’s Riverside Hospital with exceptional service in the development of leadership talent through: education, reflection, and mentoring.” He adds, “Ms. Campbell’s business diligence has a proven history of leveraging opportunities for best practice and continuous improvement. Additionally, she has been able to target operational gaps and deficiencies across all platforms within our organization; including processes and the improvement of staff and patient satisfaction. As a result, she has constructively offered suggestions for operational issues and the development of remedial action plans. The caliber of her work and willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done creates the confidence to engage St. John’s Riverside leaders to further business improvement strategies. Not only is Eileen very personable and easy to work with, she took the time to understand the specific needs of our organization.”
For more information about how she can partner with your hospital or unit to improve Patient Satisfaction/HCAHPS scores visit her website at: http://www.boostpatientexperiences.com/about-us/. To learn more about Eileen Campbell visit her LinkedIn page at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eileencampbell.
Boost Patient Experiences offices can be reached by phone at (516) 639-2328.
Or, E-mail ceo@boostpatientexperiences.com.