Ken Conner, the National Sales Director for AmericaOn1.com is determined to help the average American drastically reduce their household expenses. Conner’s unique organization works with major brands to offer coupons and discounts on everyday items ranging from restaurants and grocery purchases to travel and movie tickets.
AmericaOn1.com is a membership site listing coupons and discounts across 5 broad categories; Dining, Travel & Hotels, Shopping, Attractions and Grocery Items. The company has been in business for over 20 years but they recently brought on Conner to further expand their already successful program. “When CEO Gary Skeen approached me to get involved in the company it was an easy decision for me,” recalls Conner. “We have been friends for several years and I know that his company was based on similar values as those I live by.”
When asked to expand on the types of values Conner means, he explains, “My entire life I’ve tried to do what I believe to be right. I get involved in charities whenever I can and I believe that family always comes first.” Conner continues, “When my ex-wife moved from Southern California to Texas, I gave up everything so I could be a good, present father. With that decision I was forced to relate to just how hard it can be to pay the bills sometimes.”
Conner and the AmericaOn1.com certainly do seem to make a good fit as the company does more than just save consumers money. As their product appears to be perfect as a fundraising tool, they are also very active with numerous non-profit organizations. “We don’t require anything up-front from our partners and we’ll even give them a free website to distribute our products. As long as they know about us, it is usually an easy decision for them to make,” says Conner. “My job is to make sure they hear about us.”
And so far, Conner appears to be doing an excellent job at getting the word out. The company is now associated with numerous internationally-recognized brands including Walt Disney, McDonalds and Papa John’s and looking ahead, the sky seems to be the limit. Conner enthusiastically adds, “During these tough economic times it is more important than ever to save money wherever possible. The fact that we can help Americans do so and make the world a better place in the process makes everything that much better.”
Anyone wishing to get involved in this program either as a consumer, fundraiser or product supplier is urged to get in-touch with Ken Conner by phone at 865-924-6340 or by visiting http://www.americaon1.com.