Online advertising and marketing has been a challenge for many small to midsize businesses. The need to keep and generate new customers is never ending. Most business owners are busy with day to day operating duties. This makes it very difficult to jungle both operating the business and advertising it. But without advertising businesses often find that revenue and sales start to decrease, while competition continues to grow. The need for a consultant and advertising company has never been greater as competition and consumer skepticism is at an all-time high. Every business needs and should have a marketing strategy and an outside company that handles that aspect of the business for them. Getting a return on that investment or “ROI” is also very important.
We spoke with Sandra Alexander of Salelynn Marketing to get some insights on how they help with this challenge.
Tell us how did you get started with Salelynn Marketing?
Sandra Alexander: I have always loved working with business owners and helping them obtains more sales and customers. Small to midsize business help the economy and community remain vibrant and that is a passion I have as well. I like to see neighborhoods grow and thrive and helping businesses stay in business is a large part of that. Being able to partner up with business owners and professional is exciting and rewarding.
What challenges have you faced?
Sandra Alexander: One of the biggest challenges I have is explaining to small businesses that no matter what is going on in their business or the economy the must continue to advertise market and build their reputation. That it is not a cost, but an investment that will bring results. Helping Professionals and businesses stand out from the crowd helping them build credibility and trust is key. The days of relying solely on foot traffic, or referrals or the occasional ad are over. Even the effectiveness of the yellow pages has diminished. With technology being what it is and the Internet and competition exploding and the consumer being more research oriented, businesses need to invest in a solid marketing and sales plan. Another challenge is keep up with the ever changing online platform. Advertising, especially online advertising, is a constantly moving medium, what worked six months ago may not work now. This why we take a consultative approach to helping our client and we constantly evaluate what is working to help our clients continue to see success.
How does your business compare to other companies that offer what you offer?
Sandra Alexander: One of the things that sets Salelynn Marketing apart from other companies is sales experience and a true partnership mentality to working with clients. I consider it a personal requirement to make sure that any program or strategy I introduce to a client works. That they get an ROI. If that means tweaking it or working extra to get the desired results, than that’s what we do. I like to think we provide overwhelming value for what we offer. I like to make it a “no brainer” decision so my clients get a value packed strategy that will work. We also offer “results oriented strategies.” Many of our marketing strategies we offer are paid for after you have received results or on a retainer basis. Our programs are extremely affordable as we don’t want cost to be a barrier to success.
For someone who is not familiar with online advertising or Salelynn Marketing what can they expect?
Sandra Alexander: Personal service, proven results and relaxed honest services and professionalism are all benefits we offer our clients. There’s no hard pressure sales tactics used. We make sure you get a result that’s every businesses goal and it’s our goal and promise. For any company in need of Sales or looking for more clients we can do a wide range of services. This includes things like mobile websites, websites, Groupon like coupon campaigns, reputation management, video marketing, authority marketing and branding etc. We work to make sure that you get ROI on every marketing dollar.
For more information or to contact Salelynn Marketing call 888-281-5450 or visit: http://www.SalelynnMarketing.com.