Latest Stories in "Legal & Financial"

Brian Livesay, The San Diego Retirement Guardian | Tax Free Roth Conversions

Brian Livesay, The San Diego Retirement Guardian says, “Individual Retirement Accounts are an excellent way to grow your investments tax free but there are two types of IRAs and it is important you understand the differences between them.” Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs both allow investments to grow tax free. Contributions to a Roth IRA […]

Connie Croom Of ELDERS Insurance Services On Life Insurance And The Industry

“The right kind of life insurance is going to be best determined by the individual,” said Connie Croom in a recent interview. Over his years of experience with the insurance industry, Croom has consistently learned—and taught—that no one insurance scenario is the same as another. Croom, who is the Principal of ELDERS Insurance Services, is […]

Financial Sense In The Real World

In school we are educated about math, science, history, and other things. How much of this is actually used in the real world these days? It isn’t until we’ve become adults and start seeing the real world issues that we realize how much there is we don’t know. The hard truth is most don’t seek help until it […]

Eric LaGuardia, San Diego Consumer Rights Attorney | Keeping Debt Collectors In Line

Eric LaGuardia, San Diego Consumer Rights Attorney says, “Consumer rights laws require that debt collectors, and more broadly, businesses of all sizes for that matter, treat consumers fairly.” Debt collectors and businesses are required to be honest with consumers, accurate in their representations with them, and treat them fairly. Consumer rights are often infringed upon […]

Linda Allen San Diego Business Law Attorney | Understanding Transactional Law

Linda Allen, a San Diego Business Law Attorney describes transactional law, “Transactional business law involves a wide range of business matters. It encompasses every phase of a business from its inception all the way through its entire life cycle, ending with either winding down or selling the business.” Stated another way, it’s all types of entity […]

Carlos Diaz-Sampol Of CADISA Brings The 3 C’s To Property Management In Miami

The business of HOA condo management in Miami can be viewed, not only as highly competitive, but also bears the task of overcoming bad press that many unethical property management companies can bring to the industry as a whole. CADISA Inc., of Miami is diligently working to change the way condo HOA management companies are […]

Tara Burd, San Diego Civil Litigation Attorney | The Basics Of A Contract

Tara Burd, a San Diego civil litigation attorney stated that, “The formation of any contract requires an offer, acceptance and consideration.” A contract can be as simple or as complex as a situation warrants. Some contracts are tomes and others are made on a napkin. Some are overly complicated and others are overly simplified. Offer An […]

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