Latest Stories in "Legal & Financial"

COVID-19 vs. Business with Pamela Stambaugh

While many unknowns remain about the Coronavirus and the full impact-it will have on anyone’s business, one thing is clear: there is no shortage of people rallying, no shortage of businesses pushing through and no shortage of planning.  With that in mind, many business leaders and experts are sharing their insights to help those who […]

Joe DiChiara, Bedrock Business Builders Corp., Teaches Sole-Proprietors How To Protect Their Assets and Save Substantial Tax Dollars

Joe DiChiara, Bedrock Business Builders Corp., teaches sole-proprietors how to protect their assets and save substantial tax dollars. Sole proprietors and emerging entrepreneurs have an amazing new resource to help them start, build and manage a successful small business. Bedrock Business Builders was recently launched to serve the USA’s smallest of small businesses and new, […]

Dee Bowden Releases New ‘Collect the Cash’ Cash Flow Training To Help Business Owners Get Paid What They Are Owed

Dee Bowden of BCS Solutions recently released a new business training called, “Collect the Cash: 5 Steps to Secure Your Cash Flow.” Available online, interested business owners can sign up at: Bowden founded BCS Solutions, a revenue recovery company, from a personal desire to see small businesses make big-money impact. Dee believes small businesses […]

Zanella Taylor and C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N.S Mentoring Creates Change! Named Amazon #1 Bestseller

C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N.S Mentoring Creates Change!, is a collection of stories designed to help young women increase their self-esteem that was born out of Diana Aldereguia’s Memories in a Mansion Leadership Academy (MIMLA). C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N.S. has been named an Amazon #1 bestseller in 16 categories including: Politics & Social Sciences, Women’s Studies, Women Writers, Women’s History, Feminist Theory, […]

Matthew Unger, Managing Director & Senior Advisor of Focus Asset Management Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Radio Show

Focus Asset Management Managing Director and Senior Advisor, Matthew Unger Discusses His Approach to Helping His Clients with Financial Planning and Wealth Management During the interview, Matthew discusses how Focus Asset Management takes a different approach than many financial planning and asset management organizations with several key factors: 1) he is truly an independent fee-only […]

Mark Sacks of ScoreItUp LSAT Prep Evaluates The New Digital LSAT

Similar to the evolution that has occurred with other standardized exams, the LSAT will be offered in a digital format this year. That is a change from the long-standing tradition of the LSAT being a paper-and-pencil test.   The transition will begin with the July 2019 LSAT.  Approximately half of the students taking that exam will […]

BOOK LAUNCH PARTY IN AN RV: Writer Travels Across the US to Promote Novel

L.A. Qualified Medical Examiner turned best-selling author has written GRACIE’S GONE, a novel which takes you into the home and hearts of a family when their beautiful six-year-old daughter is abducted.   Bestselling author Dr. Carol Soloway, recipient of the 2018 International Association of Women’s ‘Woman of Achievement Award,’ is having a book launch and […]

Cherney Law Firm, LLC–Help In Settling Debt Concerns

Bankruptcy is frightening.  Many people wonder, “What will bankruptcy do to my credit score? What will my friends say?  What will my family say?” Matthew J.Cherney at Cherney Law Firm, LLC and his team are Marietta bankruptcy attorney experts that help wade through the problems that make up consumer bankruptcy to reduce your stress and […]

J. Wyndal Gordon, The Warrior Lawyer, Delivers Powerful Talk at TEDx Event

J. Wyndal Gordon, The Warrior Lawyer, was a featured speaker at a TEDx Event where he delivered his talk entitled “What To Do When You See Something Wrong”.  Gordon, a Baltimore Trial Attorney, is known for his successful track record in defending clients that have been denied their civil rights and are victims of an […]


James Groh can help you answer these 3 big questions. 1) SHOULD YOU PARTICIPATE IN THE VETERANS’ GROUP LIFE INSURANCE (VGLI)?“The Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI) is the only group insurance program the government offers to veterans. Veterans often must obtain new life insurance coverage because they lose the Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) after […]

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