Latest Stories in "Health & Fitness"

Getting Ahead of New Year’s Resolutions

Why wait until January 1st to renew your commitment to healthy habits? I know the holiday season is upon you… but that’s just it, the next two months are when many people gain unwanted weight. Studies show that even if the average American were to only gain one or two pounds between Thanksgiving and New […]

4 Spiritual Lessons I Learned from Mountain Biking

While growing up, I loved riding my bike around the neighborhood. We spent hours doing “tricks” down our steep driveway. I distinctly remember my brother standing on the bicycle seat as he careened down the incline. I’m sure we gave my mom a heart attack… or maybe she was blissfully unaware inside the house. As […]

Simple Ways to Mix Up Your Home Workout Routine for Next Level Fitness

Although some gyms have started to open back up, many of us are still working out at home. Home workouts can still be intense. If you have been doing the same routine for a while, it may be time to step it up. Functional exercises like squats, push-ups, and plank holds are always a great […]

Healthy Summer Desserts

Who doesn’t want a cold refreshing sweet treat on a hot summer afternoon? Here are some tips to keep those treats from destroying your health goals.Who doesn’t want a cold refreshing sweet treat on a hot summer afternoon? Here are some tips to keep those treats from destroying your health goals. Healthy disclaimer There will […]

How to Eat Healthy While Away From Home

Ahhh, summertime. A time when many Americans pack up the family car or head to the skies for a getaway with the kids, or even a solo time of rest and relaxation. Traveling is full of possibilities. It’s a chance to meet new people, see new places, try new foods and experience different cultures. Getting […]

Which Burger is Best? Give Your Backyard BBQ a Healthy Makeover!

It’s the perfect time of year to fire up the backyard grill and enjoy some fun summer cookouts with family and friends! It’s also the time of year for active family vacations, pool days, and sand volleyball… so you definitely want to eat healthy and stay fit so you can keep up with all the […]

5 Fun Ways To Eat Vegetables

Feel better and improve health by increasing your vegetable intake. Getting your 5+ servings a day of vegetables can lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, give you feelings of well-being, and curb your appetite. That’s a lot of benefits! If you […]

4 Best Ways to Safely Enjoy Your Summer

Ahhhh… summertime! The warmth of the sun and the lure of the water are irresistible! For so many people, it is the easiest time of the year to get outside and get moving. And it is a wonderful idea to take advantage of the seasonal beauty that God has given us by getting outside. In […]

How Important is Hydration, Really?

As the summer begins and the heat gets hotter how will you and your loved ones stay hydrated? Many know that staying hydrated is important but what does it mean to be hydrated? How much is enough fluid? What fluids improve hydration? What happens if we don’t stay hydrated? We aim to answer these questions […]

Men’s Health Month – Time for a Tune-Up

Did you know that June is Men’s Health Awareness month? In June, we celebrate and appreciate our fathers, so it is only appropriate that we celebrate their health too! Many men are notorious for ignoring their own health, which is likely why 12% of men aged 18 and older are in fair or poor health.1 […]

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