Latest Stories in "Health & Fitness"

Reiki: Choosing a Peace Filled Mind by Design

With so many different healing modalities available, why choose Reiki? Many people choose Reiki because of its profound simplicity and wide-ranging application. Reiki can be done in person or at a distance. Like electricity, the energy our body creates flows and is measurable. Like gravity, Reiki is an unseen and ever-present force. So, what is Reiki? […]

How Fitness Can Help to Reach Goals Quicker

Physical fitness, sleep and nutrition are frequently mentioned as necessary to live a healthy, productive and balanced life. Yet they are rarely mentioned as being necessary and critical when pursuing business goals. Business owners can greatly benefit by learning how to apply these health elements to achieve even greater success in their businesses. Faster Goal […]

Exercise Goals: Focus on More Than Just Burning Calories.

Most of us work up a sweat with only one goal in mind: burn as many calories as possible. Yes, burning calories is important and helps to lose unwanted weight, but there are so many other benefits of working out, both physical and psychological. Increased Energy: Getting your blood pumping can get you out of […]

15 Hobbies To Try In 2022

Anyone else feel convicted when you get your “screen time” report on your phone each week? What about TV? How much time in front of that screen do we get sucked into during the week? Why are we so attached to these things? I have a theory that the total and even partial isolation we […]

Overcome the Dreaded Plateau!

This scenario describes what so many people fear: the dreaded “plateau.” The moment when your body begins to adapt to the lifestyle that started the gradual process towards reaching your goals in the first place. The hard work that had once been enough to achieve the desired results is no longer working. What is happening […]

‘The Evolution of Dog Training’ International No. 1 Author Shannon Riley-Coyner on NBC Bloom

Shannon Riley-Coyner, Creator of Truly Force Free Animal Training and Best-Selling Author of “The Evolution of Dog Training” talked with Bloom host Gayle Guyardo about dog training that can truly force-free. For more info about Shannon’s brand-new course, “Truly Force Free Good Manners” visit to receive BLOOM SPECIAL OFFER of 50 percent off Shannon’s Truly […]

Getting Ahead of New Year’s Resolutions

Why wait until January 1st to renew your commitment to healthy habits? I know the holiday season is upon you… but that’s just it, the next two months are when many people gain unwanted weight. Studies show that even if the average American were to only gain one or two pounds between Thanksgiving and New […]

4 Spiritual Lessons I Learned from Mountain Biking

While growing up, I loved riding my bike around the neighborhood. We spent hours doing “tricks” down our steep driveway. I distinctly remember my brother standing on the bicycle seat as he careened down the incline. I’m sure we gave my mom a heart attack… or maybe she was blissfully unaware inside the house. As […]

Simple Ways to Mix Up Your Home Workout Routine for Next Level Fitness

Although some gyms have started to open back up, many of us are still working out at home. Home workouts can still be intense. If you have been doing the same routine for a while, it may be time to step it up. Functional exercises like squats, push-ups, and plank holds are always a great […]

Healthy Summer Desserts

Who doesn’t want a cold refreshing sweet treat on a hot summer afternoon? Here are some tips to keep those treats from destroying your health goals.Who doesn’t want a cold refreshing sweet treat on a hot summer afternoon? Here are some tips to keep those treats from destroying your health goals. Healthy disclaimer There will […]

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