Latest Stories in "Expert Insights"

Dr. Phyllis Townsend Shares How Vaccines Save Lives

Vaccines have been a hot topic in the news lately because of the recent measles outbreak. A growing number of parents have increased worries over immunizations, despite the medical community confirming the safety and benefits of vaccines. Dr. Phyllis Townsend, a pediatrician in Franklin, TN, is concerned about recent trends that leave children unprotected from […]

An Interview With Chad T. Collins – Teen Coach And Mentor

Today, we’re catching up with Chad Collins, a very interesting person who has taken his passion for training from the boardroom to the schoolroom and is now expanding it to help more people on the Internet. He’s a teen coach and mentor teaching kids the skills they need to succeed in life. SBT: Chad, can […]

Sue Henry Shares The Secret To Transforming Speaking Gigs Into Profit

Lisa: Hi everyone, this is Lisa Saline and today I am happy to interview Sue Henry of Sue Henry  Sue is a speaker, writer, a mom, a grandma and a wife of an organic dairy farmer. But, as much as she loves that part of her life, her heart lies with business professionals who embrace […]

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