Latest Stories in "Expert Insights"

Dr. Donald Ozello, DC, Las Vegas, Discusses Finding The Right Chiropractor

Dr. Donald A. Ozello, DC, is the Owner and Doctor at Championship Chiropractic in Las Vegas, NV. He is author of “Running: Maximize Performance & Minimize Injuries: A Chiropractor’s Guide to Minimizing the Potential for Running Injuries.” He writes a weekly health, fitness and nutrition column for The Las Vegas Informer. He is published in […]

Axel Mortgage Founder Jim Merrill Discusses Buying Your First Home

Jim Merrill founded Axel Mortgage in Phoenix, Arizona in 2001 to bring a new level of transparency and integrity to the mortgage lending business. We asked Jim for his insight into purchasing a first home. Jim, what do you feel is the biggest misconception or misunderstanding a first time home buyer has? Jim Merrill: I […]

Sports Agent JR Rickert Named 2014 Man Of The Year In Campaign For LLS

JR Rickert participated in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) spirited competition to raise funds to help blood cancer patients live longer and more fulfilling lives. His efforts earned him the 2014 Man of the Year title in Upstate New York/Vermont. “I was really glad I participated in this,” states Rickert. “The people that organize […]

Bill Kopatich, Online Media Strategist, Explains The Importance Of Marketing Beyond SEO

  Bill Kopatich, an Online Media Strategist based in Charlotte, NC, helps small businesses and professionals in medical, legal, accounting, real estate and financial services become the logical choice among their competition when consumers or other businesses are looking for a service provider.  He is President of Local Marketing Solutions, a marketing agency that specializes […]

Native American Companies Are Changing Lives Says Business Developer Debbie Atuk

Part of the “People Who Make a Difference in Business and the Community” Interview Series Native American corporations are leading the way in making a real difference for both Native and non-Native American communities around the country according to Debbie Atuk, a business development strategist. That is surprising considering the perception that most Native Americans […]

Dr. H.L. Greenberg Of Las Vegas Dermatology Discusses Healthy Skin And Vitamin D

H.L. Greenberg, MD, Las Vegas Dermatology, is a board certified dermatologist with a thorough background in all areas of dermatology including surgical, medical, laser and cosmetic procedures. A graduate of The University of Michigan, Dr. Greenberg completed medical school at Wayne State University in Detroit. He then spent three years as an Internal Medicine resident […]

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