Yvette Buhagiar, Mobile App Developer, Shares Why Having A Mobile App Is Now A Must For Businesses

App Budgie, an Australia-based start-up, helps local businesses go mobile by creating smartphone applications. App Budgie was founded by a husband and wife team looking for a new way to market their business. With the emergence of smartphones, they quickly jumped on the opportunity to create apps. “App Budgie is a fast, easy, and affordable way to take your business mobile,” Yvette Buhagiar, App Budgie founder, says. “We have clients such as schools, community organizations, restaurants, pubs, and other businesses.”

Smartphone apps give the opportunity to reach a large audience instantly, in a matter of seconds, thanks to push notifications. Applications created by App Budgie allow owners to send an unlimited number of push notifications to make sure they can reach the largest audience as possible. “Organizations such as schools or sporting clubs use the function of push notifications very well to tell their clients when something is happening,” Buhagiar says. “They love the fact that one message can reach all their families right away.” Using an app to reach clients is much faster and cheaper than sending text messages. And for those who think that creating an app is expensive, they would be wrong. “This is a common misconception about apps,” Buhagiar says. “When you compare the cost of a monthly fee for an app to the cost of a text messaging program, an app is much more cost effective.”

The monthly fee for an app created by App Budgie is $59.95 (approximately $62). According to Buhagiar, App Budgie created an app for a school that needed to send one message every month to students and families. The school had a text-messaging program that cost two and a half thousand dollars a year to send 12 messages a year. With App Budgie’s program, the school can now send as many push notifications a day for less than $60 a month. “They can send as many as they like to be able to communicate effectively,” Buhagiar says. “They can send urgent messages to parents in short notice. It’s not only just for schools, but for many other type of organizations such as bus companies that can let parents know when one of their buses has a technical breakdown.”

App Budgie sponsors some businesses that have limited budgets to help them grow. “If the company needs an app, App Budgie will create one for the company,” Buhagiar says. “A soccer club needed an app, but they had a limited budget. We sponsored them and created an app for free.” In the fast-paced world we live in smartphones have become a key to communication. App Budgie helps organizations and companies realize the role of apps in running a business smoothly. “If business owners don’t have a mobile app they are missing out on a vital tool to promote their organization,” Buhagiar says. “People are walking around with smartphones in their pockets, so if you want to engage with your clients or your community effectively you need a mobile app.” App Budgie has many clients all over Australia and is looking to expand in the United States of America, South Africa, and Europe.

More information is available online at http://www.appbudgie.com. New Media Strategist Lisa Williams reaches out to businesses around the country like App Budgie to find out and share what products and services they offer and highlight their innovative marketing techniques. For more information about how to get your business featured by Media Authority Marketing email submit your request to info@mediaauthoritymarketing.com.