What Could Your Business Look Like if You Had More Self Belief?

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Alexis Jane is a business and mindset coach, and her mission is to help women smash through blockages and make the most of their professional potential. She works with clients to help them overcome issues of hesitation and procrastination, and puts confidence and self-love at the centre of what she does. 

She recently became a bestselling author with the release of “Change Makers: 20 Transformational Stories From Women Making An Impact In The Lives Of Others”. In this uplifting and insightful book, 20 inspirational women entrepreneurs detail the driving forces behind their success, including everything from their most impressive achievements, to the emotional difficulties they encountered along the way. 

And that’s just what Alexis does: she focuses on helping her clients stand in their power, without ignoring the obstacles they will inevitably face. She knows that for many women, business and personal life are closely intertwined, and so issues faced in one will inevitably have an impact on the other. To help her clients really unlock their full potential in business, she knows she has to help them maximise their personal potential too. So she looks at the full picture: background, thoughts and feelings, concerns, successes, and family life are all a part of the process. 

But ultimately, for Alexis, it all comes down to mindset. Women can’t work to the best of their ability and achieve all they want to achieve without feeling confident and empowered. 

She encourages her clients to ask themselves what their business could look like if they had just 10 percent more self-belief, or even 20 percent. Without confidence in one’s own ideas, many entrepreneurs struggle to represent themselves and their brand effectively, or to take necessary risks. So Alexis works with clients on their self-belief and confidence. This not only helps them to improve their business, but their overall happiness as well. 

Alexis wants women to know that having an approach to business that puts themselves at the centre isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it’s necessary. Without good self-esteem, it’s much harder to let people know why your product is ideal for your customers’ needs, and harder still to deliver that product to the highest possible standard. Coming from a place of love – for yourself, for your business, and for others – is what enables entrepreneurs to achieve all they are capable of. 

This approach naturally helps women to overcome their issues with hesitation, procrastination and blockage – because, without confidence and a feeling of empowerment, it can be all too easy to lose motivation. Lack of motivation can impact everything from how you run your business to how you engage in your personal and professional relationships. But by working to eliminate the negative mindsets that drive poor motivation, Alexis gives her clients the tools and drive they need to smash through any obstacles that come their way. 

In these simple but effective ways, Alexis has helped a great many women to shift their mindset. In encouraging their personal development alongside their development as an entrepreneur, she has seen her clients achieve dramatic results in their business lives and beyond. 

To find out more, visit https://alexis-jane.com

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