Bob Carrothers is well known in Colorado and throughout the U.S. for being a Master Vistage Chair. Vistage is a company dedicated to the growth of CEO’s and their organizations. Bob is the senior most practicing chair in Colorado with well over 12,000 hours spent coaching business owners, professional CEO’s, and key executives. In addition, he has spent well over 4,500 hours leading and facilitating group meetings of these individuals. These meetings are designed to give these business leaders intense peer to peer feedback and constant exposure to cutting-edge ideas for leading their companies and living their lives.
In Expert Profiles, Carrothers will address the importance of having a strong set of corporate core values is to the success of any business organization. Carrothers shares how he brings his unique experience to performance improvement. He speaks from experience, as a successful CEO of three inter-related U.S-based companies which started from zero cash and grew to combined sales revenue of $25 million. After selling his business to his management team he started a new business and failed miserably. At this time he decided to share the many lessons he had learned with other entrepreneurs in order to help them create success for themselves: “I look forward to sharing some of the lessons I have learned about the importance of having strong corporate core values both personally as a CEO – and in my work with highly successful CEOs in Vistage – with others who aspire to achieve.”
Any one of the current CEO’s Bob works with today would explain Bob as “a great listener and change agent through questions.” Bob understands how a company’s leadership team must think and perform to be effective. He adds his gentle but effective leadership which guides individuals to make better, more effective decisions
“Expert Profiles – Conversations with Influencers & Innovators,” will be available in the Spring of 2019.
To learn more about Bob Carrothers, visit: www.linkedin.com/in/bobcarrothers/
About T&S Publishing, LP
We are a team of professionals who want to help thousands of entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals to be positioned as recognized authorities and stand out in a niche, rather than continue to be the best-kept secrets in their industries.
T&S Publishing, LP is a boutique media and book publishing agency with a mission to help lesser-known entrepreneurs and professionals become sought-after subject matter experts in their fields. We accomplish this by having them participate in strategic positioning campaigns that include: cause marketing, collaborative book projects, being featured in national media, garnering celebrity-like status and then teaching them to leverage all of that notoriety across social media platforms to quickly elevate their brand.
We offer what we call “authority books” and a unique publishing process that enables our clients to talk their book and eliminates the need to be a writer. We specialize in single-author collaborative books with other top professionals.
About Vistage
Vistage offers Executive Coaching for CEOs and Top Executives. Buying companies, selling companies, transition planning, strategic planning, market building, competing in a down economy, helping Executives find balance in their lives, in the industry of enhancing the lives and increasing the effectiveness of CEO’s, organizations, and people.
Over our 60-year history, Vistage has solidified our reputation as the world’s most trusted executive coaching company. Our core formula of peer groups of executives from non-competing industries, backed by one-to-one coaching, has driven our members to outperform their competition through boom markets and recession.
But we believe success has no finish line.
The leadership challenges our members face today are complex and numerous: Their markets are global, their workforces are more diverse and their competition is steep. While the Vistage formula proves year after year to be the most effective way for good leaders to make great decisions and achieve great results, we continuously refine and grow our platform to equip our members to surmount every new challenge and reach ever-higher levels of success.
To learn more about Vistage Chair, visit www.vistagechair.com