Valerie Cudnik, Website Designer, Launches To Simplify WordPress For Businesses

Valerie Cudnik, owner of CDG Marketing & Web Design started the free training platform to help simplify WordPress for start-ups so they can avoid the pitfalls that prevent them from creating effective websites that attract new clients and customers. “One of the biggest challenges small business owners face today, is the fact that technology moves fast! Too fast in some cases,” said Cudnik. “WordPress has been growing by leaps and bounds with significant new releases every few months. With over 2.5 million results for WordPress on YouTube – how do you vet the information? Training needs to be current in order to be easy to apply.”

In a recent article, Forbes contributor Haris Bacic stated, “Web design trends come and go every year, and it’s important for designers and business owners to keep up with them in order to stay up-to-date and avoid having an outdated website.” Cudnik explained, “Website design and development is also filled with confusing terms, complicated jargon, and complex tech-speak. It’s a tough road to go down because you don’t know what you don’t know.”

By her own admission, Cudnik has become somewhat of a WordPress ‘evangelist’ because it’s a simple, effective solution. “I’m crazy-passionate about it, and I’m not the only one who thinks it rocks. Roughly 18% of all websites on the Internet are running on WordPress now. So here’s this great, free software and so few people know how to use it! The solution:,” said Cudnik.

Whether you plan on building your own website or want hire it out, you need a firm grasp of the concepts so you can make an intelligent choice. starts you off with the basics. The multimedia lessons are organized into a logical order and the training is presented in bite-sized chunks complimented by expert tips to help you maximize your site.

If you’re confused about building a WordPress website and you’d like to learn the basics for free, is for you. Even if you consider yourself “technically challenged” or you’re wondering whether or not you can do it yourself, visit the home page of now to see the “Can I really build my own website?” section.

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