Unlocking the Power of Mindset: A Quick Intro from Rick Kansa’s Interview.

In this interview with Rick Kansa, we delve into the transformative power of mindset and personal growth, exploring how these concepts can profoundly impact entrepreneurs’ lives and businesses. Rick shares his structured approach to helping individuals overcome self-sabotage, gain mental clarity, and ultimately achieve their goals. Through real-life success stories, he illustrates the tangible results that can emerge from embracing a clear and focused mindset. Join us as we uncover common misconceptions, practical strategies, and the essential criteria to consider when seeking the guidance of a mindset coach. Rick’s insights shed light on the path to personal transformation and the potential for creating lasting positive change in both business and life.

-Begin Interview-


Who do you help and how?

I assist entrepreneurs in overcoming self-sabotage and finding their unique voice while increasing their income and impact. This mission is achieved through a structured five-step program. Initially, we pinpoint the specific issues plaguing their business. Next, we delve into internal self-examination, scrutinizing both the business and personal aspects, especially belief systems. We then work on crafting a new, empowering belief system.

What I find intriguing is that entrepreneurs often focus solely on external factors like strategy, lead generation, and finances, essential but insufficient. Sometimes, despite having these elements in place, they remain stuck or even see their businesses decline. That’s when we prioritize internal work, addressing personal transformation. Changing oneself triggers a transformation in everything else. It’s a beautiful process.

We all carry subconscious programs that influence 95% of our daily lives, mostly beneficial but sometimes detrimental. These belief systems are ingrained early in life and reinforced over time. They shape 95% of our conscious awareness, dictating what we observe consciously, such as life outcomes and external results. By uncovering these subconscious programs, we can identify their impact on current outcomes.

Our results define our present reality, but most people aren’t fully aware of their subconscious programs. For instance, if a negative program dictates self-doubt or inadequacy, and yet there’s a strong desire for business success and wealth, the mismatch sabotages progress. People get trapped because they aren’t consciously aware of this internal conflict.


How does a clear and focused mindset impact business decisions?

A clear and focused mindset has a profound impact on business decisions in every possible way. When you transform into someone who values themselves, exudes confidence, and shifts from negative to positive beliefs, your entire approach changes. Operating from this altered mindset and energy vibration leads to natural shifts in your decision-making process. Your awareness level elevates, and your programming undergoes a transformation.

This transformation brings about experiences like heightened intuition, inspiration, synchronicities, and more meaningful encounters. You become finely attuned to what needs to be done and how to execute it in your business and life. This transformation mirrors my own journey and is a common occurrence among the entrepreneurs I work with. Once you change your internal world, the external world inevitably follows suit.



What are the primary mindset challenges entrepreneurs face when they seek your help?

Entrepreneurs encounter several significant challenges when they approach me for assistance. To begin with, entrepreneurship inherently attracts individuals with unique personalities and ambitions. A prevalent challenge is a lack of self-confidence, as many entrepreneurs grapple with self-doubt and struggle to trust their own judgment. They often lack clear guidance on their next steps, prompting them to seek external answers rather than tapping into their internal wisdom.

Rather than taking inspired, focused actions, they frequently resort to frantic, unfocused efforts driven by a sense of urgency, fearing that their business may falter otherwise. Unfortunately, this approach seldom yields the desired outcomes. It’s crucial for entrepreneurs to find clarity amid the chaos and overwhelm that often beset them.

I’ve observed that entrepreneurs, like many individuals, can become ensnared in lower, negative emotions for a considerable portion of their time—feelings such as anxiety, frustration, despair, and depression. These emotions can impede their ability to make sound decisions. While they may not be perpetually stuck in these emotions, they often spend a substantial amount of time grappling with them while attempting to generate positive results and make better decisions.


How do you help them overcome these challenges?

Absolutely, this process can initially seem overwhelming or even mystical to some, leaving them wondering about its practicality. Through years of experience, I’ve designed an 8-week program and conducted one or two-day workshops, both based on five crucial steps. It’s a highly structured approach that emphasizes transformation over mere information dissemination.

Here’s how we approach it. Firstly, we work on achieving exceptional clarity regarding your identity and aspirations. I often draw an analogy to a GPS system, where the first question is, “Where do you want to go?” The key is to be incredibly specific about your life destination, covering aspects like career, finances, relationships, and personal growth because addressing business and career success often requires examining all these facets, with personal growth being particularly vital.

The next GPS-like question is, “Where are you now?” This entails assessing your current life circumstances, understanding your results, and exploring your belief systems. We embark on a deep dive to identify what’s lacking in your life.

Similar to GPS, we then map out the route from your current position to your desired destination, outlining the journey ahead. In this process, we delve into your thoughts and beliefs, gaining insight into their purpose and exploring the true meaning of prosperity. Prosperity extends beyond finances; it’s a holistic way of life. By creating prosperity in one area of your life, it ripples into all others. So, rather than isolating one aspect, we encourage a comprehensive self-focus.


Could you share practical strategies or techniques for cultivating mental clarity and resilience in the business world?

Certainly, one practical strategy is to cultivate conscious awareness and document thoughts and emotions during moments of strong negativity. This can be an immensely valuable tool. For instance, when facing unhappiness, frustration, anger, or when things seem to go awry, I recommend sitting down and writing down the thoughts in your mind. I personally practice this approach.

Why is it essential? Because the thoughts you hold are likely to perpetuate the same circumstances until you become fully conscious of them. Without awareness, change remains elusive. The fundamental message here is to gain awareness of what’s transpiring in your life, the thoughts occupying your mind, your underlying beliefs, and your emotional state. Despite its apparent simplicity, many of us tend to drift through life on autopilot, allowing life to unfold passively rather than actively shaping it.

The truth is, that you possess the power to craft your life. You can influence your day, your thoughts, and your emotions, ultimately leading to the formation of new belief systems. This transformative process can significantly alter the course of your life, as it empowers you to cultivate a fresh sense of identity.


What are some common misconceptions or misunderstandings people have about your work?

That’s an excellent question, and it’s something that frequently arises when I introduce this topic. I had a client who initially admitted, “I was skeptical when I, as a business owner facing issues, first heard about this. I didn’t quite grasp it until you explained it further because it seemed complex. The whole idea of personal transformation in my life—what did that have to do with anything? Only after experiencing it did I see things differently.”

One prevalent misconception is that people perceive this as overly complicated, confusing, or overwhelming. They might wonder, “What does this mindset and personal growth stuff really entail, and how does it relate to anything?” Given the frequent exposure to these concepts, we often develop our own preconceptions, which may or may not align with the actual process.

The reality is that what I do is grounded in psychology and science—it’s not overly intricate. It’s not about the number of hours invested but rather the outcomes achieved. I often encourage people to give it a try, and I haven’t encountered anyone who hasn’t undergone significant life changes after going through the process. We work together, incorporating journaling into the process. As we near completion, I ask them to reflect on who they were when they started. It’s often an eye-opening, emotional experience to realize how far they’ve come in a relatively short time. Many erroneously believe that change is a lengthy endeavor, but it’s about the journey and the transformations along the way.

When you engage with it from a place of inspiration and focus on how to maintain that, results naturally follow, and it doesn’t have to be a perpetual struggle. Words like “struggle,” “worry,” and “overwhelm” tend to diminish as we progress in this work, making individuals more receptive to change.



Could you provide an example of a success story involving someone with mindset challenges, how you assisted them, and the outcome?

Certainly, I recently worked with a young entrepreneur managing multiple businesses who grappled with focus and financial instability. They had attempted personal growth strategies before but with limited success.

Our journey began by clarifying their goals, which revolved around successfully managing two or three businesses. However, we delved deeper into their self-discovery process to uncover underlying negative belief systems. Often, individuals maintain both an external story and an internal narrative that influences their actions. In this case, their internal narrative was riddled with feelings of inadequacy, stemming from early life experiences. This belief was limiting their potential success.

In addition to addressing their mindset, we scrutinized their daily routine, including sleep patterns, physical health, nutrition, and exercise. These fundamental aspects directly impact emotional and mental well-being. Remarkably, addressing these issues alone significantly alleviated their anxiety and depression.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is hearing clients express how they no longer wrestle with anxiety, depression, or feelings of being lost. They gain a profound sense of self-awareness and clarity about their identity and aspirations. As we progressed through the program, they reached a point where self-doubt and analysis were no longer necessary; they instinctively knew who they were and what they wanted.

People in their social circle often noticed the positive changes, remarking on their newfound positivity. While the individual undergoing transformation might not immediately perceive these shifts, journaling allows them to track their progress over time.

Ultimately, the transformation became evident in their overall well-being and the positive changes manifesting in their life. It’s a seemingly simple perspective, but one that is often overlooked.



What criteria should individuals consider when evaluating a mindset coach for assistance?

Certainly, there are several key criteria to keep in mind when evaluating a mindset coach:

  1. Relevant Expertise: The coach should have relevant life experience or expertise in the area they address. Look for evidence that they have applied the principles they advocate, possibly on themselves. This firsthand experience can be valuable in understanding their approach.
  1. Positive Results: Assess whether the coach is achieving positive results with their clients. You can often find testimonials or reviews from previous clients to gauge their effectiveness.
  1. Structured Approach: Check if the coach offers a structured program or approach that you can review. While you may not need to understand all the intricate details, it’s important that their methodology resonates with you. There should be a sense of synergy between their teachings and your needs.
  1. Connection: Trust your instincts. Ensure there’s a genuine connection between you and the coach or program. This connection can significantly impact the effectiveness of the coaching relationship.
  1. Consultation: Many coaches offer a non-obligation consultation or call. Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your goals, challenges, and what you’re looking to achieve. The coach should provide clear explanations of their approach and the steps involved.
  1. Comfort and Ease: During the consultation, assess whether the conversation feels comfortable and easy for both parties. A good coaching relationship should be built on open communication and mutual understanding.

By considering these criteria and engaging in initial conversations with potential coaches or programs, you can make an informed decision about whether their services align with your needs and objectives.



How can individuals learn more about your services?

To learn more about my services, you can visit my website, myrewiredmind.com (all one word).

On the website, you’ll find a podcast where I provide detailed explanations of what I offer. There’s also an information sheet that addresses common questions, as well as a questionnaire that can help you assess whether my program may be suitable for you. If, after exploring the website, you feel a sense of comfort and interest, you can schedule a call to further discuss your needs and objectives.

In a world overflowing with information, it’s crucial to take a step-by-step approach and make informed choices. Trust your intuition—does this resonate with you? Starting from that internal feeling is often an excellent way to embark on your journey of personal growth and transformation.


 Learn more about Rick Kansa HERE


Jeremy Baker is an Author and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine, covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.