Transforming Thought Patterns: Insights from Eric ‘Slivoskeys Coaching.

In this interview with Eric Slivoskey, a seasoned coach specializing in mindset transformation, we delve into the intricate world of mindset, its pivotal role in achieving success, and the common challenges individuals encounter when striving for personal growth. Eric shares his unique approach, emphasizing the power of clarity, mindfulness, and the dismantling of self-limiting beliefs to unlock one’s full potential. Through insightful anecdotes, he dispels misconceptions about quick fixes and unwavering positivity, highlighting the importance of embracing life’s complexities and adversities on the path to self-improvement. Eric’s success stories, such as his transformative work with an anxious high school athlete, vividly illustrate the profound impact of his coaching techniques in facilitating remarkable mindset shifts.


Who do you help and how?


I primarily work with athletes, organizations, small businesses, and creators. My focus is on addressing negative thought patterns, overcoming overwhelm, and managing anxiety, particularly in the context of performance anxiety. While I initially started with a broader focus on confidence and resilience, my background in sports led me to work extensively with athletes and small businesses. Essentially, I help individuals navigate through moments of inertia, providing them with tools and micro habits to move forward when they feel stuck or overwhelmed.


Could you explain your concept of mindset and its importance in achieving success?


Certainly. I come from a mental health background, where the emphasis often lies in examining the past. However, as I transitioned into coaching, I embraced a more future-focused approach. I believe in starting with the end goal in mind, fostering mindfulness, and expanding one’s mind to possibilities, intuition, and imagination.

In my coaching practice, I prioritize clarity rather than dwelling on why clients feel stuck or anxious. We define what success means to them and establish what confident performance, for instance, would entail. This approach involves being present with the client, leveraging their strengths, and addressing self-limiting beliefs. We focus on clarity, exploring their goals, the reasons behind them, and the skills needed to achieve those objectives. This clarity is fundamental in creating a plan to reach their goals.


What are common mindset challenges your clients face?


Several common mindset challenges emerge in my work. Self-limiting beliefs are a significant issue, often lurking in the subconscious. These beliefs stem from stories and narratives that society, teachers, coaches, and influential figures have instilled in us.

Another challenge, particularly among men, is the pressure to conform to toxic masculinity norms, which restrict emotional expression and personal pursuits.

Past experiences and fears also frequently hinder progress. Fear, whether rational or not, can be a substantial barrier. Additionally, clients often use buffering mechanisms to avoid negative emotions, resorting to distractions like technology or substances to numb themselves.


How do you help clients address these challenges?


I follow a structured approach to help clients uncover and overcome these challenges. First, we acknowledge that they are their own best resource and explore their strengths and support networks.

We use intentional thought work, like the “thought download,” where clients observe and document recurring negative thoughts. We then work on replacing these thoughts with more constructive ones, starting with neutral affirmations if needed.

I incorporate guided imagery and relaxation techniques, emphasizing goal orientation with micro habits and achievable milestones. These small victories build momentum and motivation.


Are there any misconceptions you encounter in your work?


Two common misconceptions arise. First, some expect a quick-fix solution, believing that coaching or therapy can instantly solve their challenges. However, personal growth is a process that requires commitment and effort.

Secondly, there’s a misconception about relentlessly pursuing positivity. Life is full of ups and downs, and achieving a balance between positive and negative emotions is more realistic. Adversity can offer valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.


Could you share a success story illustrating a mindset shift due to your coaching?


Certainly. I recently worked with a high school track athlete struggling with performance anxiety and self-doubt. He faced anxiety during competitions, even experiencing physical symptoms like shaking. We began with clarity exercises and identified self-limiting thoughts, often stemming from external pressures.

One technique we used is called the “2B’s” exercise. The B’s stand for breathing and belief. The key objective is to have the client focus on, and practice, a specific breathing technique, while simultaneously concentrating on a strongly held belief. The belief is usually expressed with a single word or a short phrase, and it is commonly related to a technique or process related to the client’s sport or performance. The belief is essentially verbalized as a laser-focused form of self-talk. When paired with the breathing exercise and practiced diligently, the high school track athlete experienced a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms.  The result was remarkable—he won a state championship and earned a college track scholarship, demonstrating the power of addressing mindset challenges and applying specific techniques for transformative results.


Are there any tips or strategies you would recommend to help keep a healthy mindset?


Absolutely, maintaining a healthy mindset is crucial, and there are several tips and strategies I recommend:

  1. **Maintain a Daily Positive State:** Recognize that motivation often depends on your current state of mind. Find small actions or rituals that help put you in a positive state each day. This might include going for a morning walk, listening to uplifting music, or engaging in a short mindfulness practice. For example, the athlete I mentioned earlier had certain songs that put him in a positive mindset, creating a more affirming and positive environment.
  1. **Consider Your Physical Well-being:** Pay attention to your physical health, as it directly impacts your mental state. Ensure you are getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and maintaining a balanced diet. Sometimes, these basic factors can significantly influence your overall well-being.
  1. **”Take Your Meds”:** I use the acronym “Meds” to remind individuals of some daily essentials:

   – **Meditation:** Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your daily routine to promote mental clarity and emotional well-being.

   – **Exercise:** Engage in regular physical activity to release endorphins and boost your mood. It doesn’t have to be intense; even a walk can help.

   – **Drink Water:** Stay hydrated throughout the day, as dehydration can affect your energy levels and cognitive function.

   – **Sleep:** Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule and quality sleep to support your overall mental health.

  1. **Visualization:** Practice visualization exercises regularly. Visualization is a powerful technique where you imagine yourself successfully achieving your goals. This can help boost confidence, reduce anxiety, and improve performance in various aspects of life, especially for athletes and individuals striving for specific outcomes.
  1. **Mindful Awareness:** Be aware of your thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling, can help you gain insight into your mental patterns and make it easier to identify and address any negative thought patterns or stressors.
  1. **Set Realistic Goals:** Establish clear, achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations. Breaking larger objectives into smaller, manageable steps can make them feel more attainable and less overwhelming.
  1. **Seek Support:** Don’t hesitate to seek support from a coach, therapist, or mentor who can provide guidance and strategies for maintaining a healthy mindset. Having someone to hold you accountable and provide feedback can be invaluable.

Remember, maintaining a healthy mindset is an ongoing process, and it’s perfectly normal to have ups and downs. Consistently applying these strategies can help you build mental resilience and overall well-being over time.


 How can people learn more about your work?


I recommend people check out my website @ to learn more about me and the coaching programs I offer.

Jeremy Baker is an Author and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine, covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.