While many people consider the obvious factors such as location, nearby amenities, schools, and shopping when choosing a home to live in, according to veteran Toronto Realtor Mohit Dhingra, a crucial consideration is how a family will grow into the home over time. Says Mohit, “A key question to ask is, where do I see myself the next 5 to 10 years down the road. If only more homebuyers asked such questions, they would feel more secure with their buying decisions and minimize the “buyer’s remorse” that many homeowners experience, especially first-time homebuyers.”
Mohit acknowledges that it’s very easy to be swept away with the many emotions that arise when viewing homes, and many times these emotions cause buyers to act on decisions they wouldn’t otherwise make. One must take a more pragmatic approach and consider the practical aspects and criteria for purchasing a particular home. Of course this is much easier said than done, as even the most experienced buyers will tell you. For parents with school children, thoroughly researching the schools in the target area can be crucial, yet many don’t take the extra step of looking into the actual schools until it may be too late.
On the other end of the spectrum, many investors approach Mohit to invest in condos as a result of hearing about properties from friends, family, and associates. A thorough probing of exactly why a particular project may be attractive, along with undertaking an investment analysis is one the things Mohit advises every potential investor.
Mohit says, “Most of the folks buying these days think Real Estate only goes up…I ask them what happens if the market goes down? Can they handle it financially and emotionally?”
Mohit owes his unique fact-based approach to his earlier days in the financial and investment industry. In the investment world, decisions based on emotion versus sound numbers can often mean the difference between financial ruin and above average investment returns. Decisions made today can impact your lifestyle, and your family’s lifestyle for decades to come.
With the help of a qualified and trusted professional, a homeowner, seller, or investor can get the help they need to make an informed decision, a decision that is often the most important one they will make in their lifetime. A decision that is based on their likes, dislikes, current needs, future needs, location preference, financial goals, and financial means almost always results in a positive experience for all.
Apparently there’s something to this approach of buying a home, as Mohit has a great number of loyal clients who owe their satisfaction to his approach. It’s no wonder that Mohit enjoys one of the highest client referral rates in the industry. “With so many realtors competing for the same prospect, I’m honoured that so many choose to allow me to serve them.”
Mohit recalls a story of one such client who had a family on a limited budget and who wanted to buy a newly built home…they ended up buying a slightly older home with a basement apartment where they were getting rental income from the basement. “They still thank me after years because they would not have been able to afford the home without the basement income and their home has appreciated dramatically as well.”
“I had another family that saw a property over the Internet and wanted to buy a property they saw. After sitting down with them, they completely changed their thinking. They were looking at purchasing a 2 bedroom home in an area where they are very hard to sell later.”
Mohit Dhingra is a 7 year veteran real estate professional based in Toronto, Canada at Re/Max Crossroads Realty Inc. He can be reached through http://www.soldbymohit.com.