Business Innovators Radio host Alicia Dibrell recently hosted seasoned business strategist and sales producer Rachael Treviño in her popular radio show. Rachael is known for her mastery in helping businesses get more leads and converting those leads faster than all traditional methods. Content marketing and creation/conversion of social media platforms are her areas of specialization.
During the initial stages of the interview, Rachael revealed that she started her sales career when she was just nine years old. By the time she graduated at the age of twenty-two, Rachael had already developed a fashion concept that she believes could have been launched and taken into the business world. She also spoke in detail about her experience of working with renowned author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and life coach Tony Robbins. Rachael believes that this experience at a very early stage has been instrumental in shaping up her own career as a business strategist.
“I was really young when I was able to capture some of what Tony does for business owners, I was able to really extrapolate that and to be a top producer, as we know, means you understand to the letter the products and the services that you’re working with. I made an effort to go learn everything that they were doing,” Rachael said.
Talking about her job as a business strategist, Rachael mentions that there are eleven key aspects of a business that need consistent attention and tweaking. In her opinion, the job of a business strategist is to get this job done utilizing a few different techniques. The eleven most important business attributes, as mentioned by Rachael, include online marketing, offline marketing, plans, procedures, policies, infrastructure, recruitment, sales, marketing, referrals, and digital tools. She also informs that as a strategist, she helps businesses hone and fine-tune all these core competencies.
When asked about how she helps clients get more leads, Rachael stated that there are four or five different points or avenues, both online and offline. The key, according to her, is to figure out where the audience of a business are and create a way to get to them quickly and most effectively, within the organization’s budget. Rachael also discussed her lead conversion techniques in detail.
Rachael also puts a lot of stress on creating high-quality marketing content for businesses. Over the years, she has been involved in helping her clients create galvanizing, engaging, emoting content that makes their story not only captivating, but also productive. She feels that the creation of top notch content is more about being well aware of the current state of the business, including its problem areas.
Towards the end of the interview, Rachael also shared her contact information that can be extremely useful for anyone looking for her guidance or support. Rachael can be reached via her website RachaelTreviño.com, social media XStream Elite by Rachael Treviño, or her direct phone number 210-850-0110.
The entire episode of the show is available at http://bit.ly/2A8shiS
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rachaelreneetrevino
Xstream Elite FB: https://www.facebook.com/RTElite/
LInkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachaelreneetrevino/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachaelrtrevino/
Email: rachael@xstreamelite.com
Ph #: 210 850 0110
Alicia Dibrell
Alicia Williams-Dibrell is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.