Powerhouse Coaching founder and President Andy Herrington feels his calling is to help fellow Realtors go from good to great and to build organizations that help their clients while consistently delivering increasing profits. In this article, Herrington shares some ideas for growing these top-producing organizations.
Andy Herrington first became interested in Real Estate in 2000. Like many Real Estate professionals, Herrington was drawn to this line of work because of the freedom associated with running one’s own business and the potential for unlimited income. Herrington recalls his early days, “I knew that I wanted to help people, I wanted to help families choose where they would raise their families and protect their belongings. It was a real calling for me.” He continues, “I worked as a solo agent for a number of years then joined a high profile team in my local area. I had at this time found my calling. I was a bonafide phone specialist for Real Estate.”
Herrington spent the next six years perfecting his craft. He would spend six hours a day, six days per week on the phone calling prospects and setting appointments. All of this practice and hard work certainly paid off as Herrington was given the opportunity to become the Director of Coaching for Dan Plowman Team Systems when it first began. Herrington then leveraged that experience to begin Powerhouse Coaching, Inc. in 2012. “Since running my business I have found great freedom and a high level of satisfaction that comes from implementing proven systems, innovating customized approaches and inspiring my clients to build the business they desire and lead the life they want.”
When asked, based on his extensive experience, what major challenges Realtors face when trying to build winning organizations, Herrington replied, “Focus is the number one obstacle for all Realtors at all levels of the business from newbie to proven top producing team leader. Real Estate is a “Mad Max” environment where everyone is out for their own benefit most of the time. The marketplace for lead generation, lead conversion, business building, coaching and more is very saturated and it can be very difficult to determine what is best for your business.” Herrington continues, “This leads to Realtors trying too many different things at once to build a business, without any real guide to what results to expect and when or they simply become frozen and never try anything and find themselves in a rut.”
Herrington summarizes the solution quite succinctly, “To become the superstar you wish to be, find your desired expertise and focus on it! Once a Realtor or a team begins to focus on the thing they want to accomplish most, the results are amazing.”
This is certainly good advice – and not just for Real Estate professionals. Herrington also provided this nugget of wisdom when asked the fastest way to overcome the lack of focus that plagues many agents and teams. “Coaching has been proven time and time again to be a huge factor in success. A coach like myself will provide that outside view of the business, they will ask the tough questions and they will provide the knowledge about what to expect, and how to deal with the issues that will arise. Personally, I help people focus on what they are looking to create, and not get distracted by the latest shiny object.” Herrington summarizes, “Coaching forces the client to evaluate their business, something Realtors are apt to avoid. Having someone help you focus can create unimaginable results.”
Powerhouse Coaching, Inc. has one on one telephone coaching available for Realtors at all levels of business. They provide a customized approach which focuses on what areas of the business need work, and grow the systems clients desire. They do not force changes that are not needed nor push anyone down unnecessary or undesired paths for your business. With a coach a client can determine a plan and move toward implementing that plan quickly rather than getting stuck in the dreaded rut Herrington mentions.
Anyone wanting to learn more about Andy Herrington or Powerhouse Coaching, Inc. can visit: http://www.powerhousecoaching.ca, email Andy directly at andy@andyherrington.com or give him a call at (289) 217-1474.