The Pillars announce the launch of their mobile website. The Pillars is an organizational development consulting group specializing in change management, talent management, executive coaching and leadership training. The Pillars are based out of Montreal and serve Quebec and the Ottawa regions.
With Google’s recent “Mobilegeddon” algorithm change, many organizations are scrambling to get their websites mobile friendly in order to preserve their search engine rankings on Google.
Caroline Samne comments, “Regardless of whether Google would have implemented “Mobilegeddon” or not, we have been looking at how our clients have been searching for information online. Smart phone technology has afforded business executives the luxury of gathering information online through their smart phones whenever and wherever they want. We see execs surfing the Internet on their phones at airports, during the bus or train commutes, at lunch and evening in the evenings while attending their children’s sports practice or before they retire for the evening. It is very evident that business people can work everywhere and anywhere.”
SearchEngineWatch.com reported in July of 2014 that in early 2014, mobile exceeded PC Internet usage for the first time in history. It goes on to report that mobile is preferred over the PC for executives conducting research during and after office hours, according to the IDG Global Mobile Survey 2014.
- 92 percent of executives own a smartphone used for business.
- 77 percent of executives use their smartphone to research a product or service for their business.
- 93 percent of executives will purchase that product via the Internet using a laptop or desktop.
- 86 percent use their tablet and 72 percent of executives use their smartphone to conduct research for products or services for their business.
Caroline adds, “Understanding how our client base is consuming content, we felt we needed to do more than rank well in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and we needed to provide quality and informative content that could be easily consumed on a smart phone. This meant implementing a redesign of our website. We wanted one that kept our branding but allowed easy smart phone navigation. We feel we have accomplished this goal with our mobile website. We want potential clients interested in our products and services to be able to access our information easily and conveniently.”
The Pillars provides small and medium sized companies with organizational development services such as:
- Change Management
- Talent Management
- Executive Coaching
- Leadership Training
- Meeting Facilitation
- Quick Consult Programs
- Hiring/Employee Assessment Tools
- Learning and Development Programs
You can visit The Pillars’ mobile website on your smartphone at: ThePillars.ca.