Volume 2, Dark Secrets, will be published and available for readers to enjoy within a few weeks.
About The Book
Do you enjoy a thrilling science fiction novel; a roller-coaster ride of mystery and intrigue with a smattering of romance? The Amant Chronicles has all this and more, with two strong female lead characters, aliens and action ranging from fistfights to firefights, and a continually twisting, building plot line.
Each novel comprises two separate but interconnected storylines joined by lineage. The main story follows Amant Ducet, a half-alien, half-human hybrid, over 250 years in the future. As a wealthy, well-educated woman, she translates between the Qyron, an advanced telepathic alien race, and us humans. Her job demands frequent travelling between planets while meeting with heads of state and pillars of industry. But a chance meeting with an old friend, John, starts her down a long and winding journey full of action and mystery. The second story in Jennifer’s Legacy (Volume 1), focuses on Jennifer Winston in our very near future. She’s a young, naive country girl from Montana. But after her violent abduction by the Qyron, she finds her quiet country life transformed into a fast-paced lifestyle of rubbing elbows with the President, dodging dangerous situations, and being guarded by Secret Service agents. Jennifer’s tumultuous story lays the foundation for the entire series and ends in the first volume.
In Dark Dreams, Volume 2 of The Amant Chronicles, Amant has finally uncovered the answer to what is on F Deck of the ship, but this only creates more questions as the mystery deepens. Add to the aggravation, the increasing tensions surrounding Brad and Amant retreats her to Psy Logs. Jennifer’s granddaughter Zaborah, is now her focus. As the first natural born Qyron-Human, Zaborah faces unique challenges and Amant uncovers a very dark secret not just with Zaborah, but about herself…
Additionally, two more volumes are planned for The Amant Chronicles, to be published in 2019 and 2020.
“I find it so liberating and enjoyable to create action packed stories that touch on current social issues. I can happily get up at 6am every morning and jump into my writing. Best of all, is hearing the readers share their excitement after reading my novels.”
Brunnabend reveals his plans for future books “I am striving to make writing my sole job, because I have so many stories to share, so many tales to tell and I only get them out if I have the time. The brief writing of short stories gave me added interest and ideas on other novels. I have two more stand alone novels to finish up and three more that are aching to be told. I look forward to writing them all and more. And of course, I welcome you along with me on this journey of storytelling.”
Amazon Reader Reviews
“Really enjoyed the book – fun space opera and book within a book. Never felt lost, was able to follow the characters along their different journeys and enjoyed the alien intrigue.“ – JMLen
“The Characters were really well developed. Excellent writing! Must read for sci-if readers! Great first book can’t wait for the next” – Elyse H
“I enjoyed reading the book. It was one book I could not put down. Kudos!” – Carol J. Brunnabend
“Excellent storyline…..hard to put down. Can not wait for volume 2!” – Yvette Wilbraham
“Hard to put it down , I can hardly wait for Vol. II” – Pati Brunnabend
About the Author
Originally from upstate New York, M.J. Brunnabend has lived in several states along the East Coast. He is a Navy war veteran, a nuke, who has also worked in the medical, dental, and insurance industries. He has enjoyed such things as working out, bicycling, hiking, gardening, and even home improvement. He likes to travel and try new things. But the nagging lifelong question of “What so you want to do when you grow up?” has finally been answered. He wants to write.
More information about all of M.J. Brunnabend’s published and upcoming book series, as well as free short stories to download and enjoy, is available on his website www.mjbrun.com
The Amant Chronicles: Jennifer’s Legacy (Volume I of IV) is currently available to readers on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Amant-Chronicles-Jennifers-Legacy/dp/1546216278