What if there was a way for you to painlessly achieve all of your goals? Author and elite ultra-endurance mountain bike racer Brock Cannon has created a unique approach which allows anyone to painlessly achieve all the goals they set for themselves. The process is broken down into four easy steps. With them, you’re going to find out how you can transform your career, love life, and financial situation with what he calls “The Switchback Approach.”
1. Identify what you want to change: Want to progress your career? Meet the partner of your dreams? Develop better personal relationships with your friends or family? When it comes to the Switchback Approach, people want to achieve different things. The first step is getting clarity and identifying what exactly you want to change. Do you want to lose 10 pounds? Make an extra $10,000? Donate to a charity? You can’t realize your goals if you don’t know what they are; take some time to identify aspects of your life that need to be improved!
2. Take “stupid small” steps: Although the Switchback Approach might sound complicated, it’s not. In fact, taking small steps to realize your goals is a lot easier than you think. You need to visualize the steps you are going to take to make your dreams become reality. How do you do this? By simplifying the actions and behaviors that will get you to where you want to be. Make your first step easy-to-achieve and start small. Don’t run before you can walk; tell yourself that you have the power to do anything you want to if it’s in your grasp.
3. Don’t overcomplicate things (have fun!): Depending on your goals, you probably have a lot that you want to achieve. For example, you might wish to lose weight or finish a course. How you get there is up to you – just don’t overcomplicate the process! In fact, you should be having fun along the way. Yes, it’s an old cliché, but enjoy the ride! If you have an upcoming exam that you want to pass to further your career, study with a friend and don’t be too hard on yourself. Once it’s all over, reward yourself for all the hard work you’ve put in.
4. Continue until it becomes a habit: You might feel like the future is full of obstacles that will get in your way and prevent you from achieving your goals. But don’t give up! Track your progress and congratulate yourself every time you complete a step. It might be hard at first, but soon enough you’ll have created habits that will come as second-nature to you. Want to be the first one in the library to get more study time in? Yes, waking up at five a.m. might not sound like much fun, but soon you’ll be leaping out of bed without even thinking about it. The Switchback Approach is a step-by-step guide for those who need help achieving their goals and want to do so with the least amount of pain.
To find out more about the book and to connect with Brock, visit: http://switchbackapproach.com.