Long time IBS-sufferer, Suzanne Perazzini, has created the Inspired Life Low Fodmap Diet coaching program to help fellow IBS sufferers lead a normal, pain-free life. “I lived my life for nearly two decades dealing with the pain and discomfort of IBS. The Low Fodmap diet eliminated my problems. I created the Inspired Life Low Fodmap Diet coaching program because it’s a very complex diet and without someone to guide you through it, it can take a very long time to master. I didn’t want women to lose out on years of their life like I did.”
Dr. Sue Shepherd who works at the research Centre of the Monash University in Australia is the founder of the low Fodmap diet and has proved scientifically that it reduces symptoms in 75% of those afflicted by IBS. She writes in her book, Food Intolerance Management Plan, “The majority of IBS sufferers who have tried the diet have experienced greatly improved symptoms and a markedly reduced need for medication.”
Suzanne Perazzini receives daily emails from people all over the world with a terrible quality of life because of IBS. Many are people who have been trying the low Fodmap diet and have had considerable relief but they are struggling and still have flare ups and are now afraid to eat anywhere except at home because of the complexity of the diet.
“This diet has turned around the lives of those who I’ve worked with,” Perazzini stated. “They are now living symptom-free thanks to their commitment and dedication to the process. They will never again have to live in fear of an ‘episode’.” Perazzini went on to state, “Because I decided to confront my symptoms and master the Low Fodmap diet, I’ve found my calling to help women master this diet and live pain free faster than they ever thought possible.”
Client, Dawn Carseldine said, “My life with IBS was a daily struggle just to make it to the next day. Pain, medication, no answers and no hope that I would ever feel like a normal person again…And then I met Suzanne online, purely by chance. It was one of the best things that could’ve happened. Here is someone who knows…someone like us that has been there and lived what we’ve lived. Someone who’s done the research and has the plan to help get your life back. I cannot stress enough how helpful Suzanne has been and how much hope I now have that my future will be and can be kept pain free.”
Margaret Kneeland said, “The ‘Inspired Life’ Low Fodmap 6 week coaching program was just what I needed to turn my life around and get my IBS under control, instead of the IBS controlling me. Suzanne’s program was very easy to follow and the recipes were delicious. The cadence of the training was great to learn the various methods other than eating that were involved in controlling the IBS. I realized during the program that my highly stressful lifestyle was causing me to trigger my IBS. I’ve learned through the relaxation and meditation to take more deep breaths throughout the day and listen to the relaxation session. Suzanne was very responsive to my questions throughout the program. I wish I had known what Fodmap’s were many years ago to save myself years of pain and frustration!”
Kelly Reidinger said, “Working directly with Suzanne was the solution I have been looking for ever since I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. After trying many fad diets that claim they cure digestive inflammation, starting another one was very daunting for me. Suzanne helped me through every step of the diet with endless support. For the first time in my life I am not in pain after every meal and I feel more energized and healthy than ever before! I used to be afraid to eat so many foods and she showed me that I can have a lot more foods than I ever imagined. After 6 weeks I feel like I have all the weapons I need to tackle my digestive problems for the rest of my life! Suzanne’s knowledge on how to incorporate this diet into your life is invaluable and I couldn’t have done it without her.”
You can learn more about Suzanne Perazinni and the Low Fodmap diet at: http://strandsofmylife.com/.
You can also learn about her story of how she overcame the pain and discomfort, and about the Inspired Life Coaching program at: http://www.strandsofmylife.com/webinarreplay/.