How do you build a business where you make great money and can get a way for weeks or even months at a time? International business growth strategist Bryan Rider enjoys answering this question for his clients, and delivering results.
Over the past 7 years, Bryan has sold more than $117 million in services and consulted with more than 200 business owners across the globe. And, he managed to do all of this by working an average of only 8 months a year and traveling to more than 50 countries.
“I’ve cracked the code,” says Bryan with a wide grin. “If you’ve grown your business as far as you can on your own, or if you are tired of being stuck trading dollars for hours, by applying my Freedom Code, you’ll be able to strategically grow your business and increase profits, all while working fewer hours.”
Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition of the virtual reality headset maker Oculus stunned the world. It’s another groundbreaking deal in the technology sector. But not for the reasons you might think.
“This, and Facebook’s other recent acquisitions, demonstrate the massive value to be gained from thinking strategically,” explains Bryan. “Mark Zuckerberg is an aggressive dealmaker. He negotiated the Oculus deal in just five days. Because he is in complete control of the strategic decision making while someone else manages the daily functions of his business, he has complete time freedom.”
“It’s not all about the money.” says Bryan. “It’s about building a business that gives you complete time freedom so that you can enjoy the money you’re making. That’s what the Freedom Code is all about.”
Bryan helps his clients generate more leads and close more sales, and increase profitability while systematically removing themselves from their business. The Freedom Code offers massive results for committed service-based business owners like real estate agents, lawyers, doctors, business consultants, and life coaches.
He enjoys reminding his clients that, “if you listen to how the world tells you to live your life, you’re screwed.”
To discover how the Freedom Code can help you build business that works for you, and allows you to have the freedom to focus on the parts of your life that matters to you, visit