Southborough “Baby Whisperer” Hits Two Amazon Best Seller Lists with Book Expert Profiles

SOUTHBOROUGH, Mass. – Southborough “Baby Whisperer” Sheryl White, featured contributor to the latest volume of Expert Profiles: Conversations with Influencers & Innovators, hit two best seller lists on March 7. The business anthology, which features one-on-one conversations with top industry leaders, climbed to number one in the service industry and business ethics categories. It was also a number one new release in both categories.

As founder and owner of Southborough-based Baby Kneads, White specializes in teaching parents, teachers, professionals and caregivers how to strengthen the relationship between an infant, toddler or child and their caregiver using infant massage, sign language, mindfulness and other early childhood development techniques. White, who is a certified Infant Massage Instructor, Baby Signer, Reiki Master and mother of three, was selected as a featured contributor because of her transformative and unique approach to early childhood development over the last 20 years. In addition to being featured in the book, White has been featured and quoted in The Boston Globe, School Library Journal, Massage Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters, CBS Boston and numerous local newspapers throughout Massachusetts.

In the chapter, “Transforming Relationships Between Adults and Infants,” White reveals common misconceptions around understanding and communicating with babies and shares why massage, sign language and mindfulness empowers pre-lingual children, as well as at every stage of life.  

Peppered with insights about specific strategies and techniques that help adults and children deepen their relationship, the chapter also touches on how baby massage and sign language helped White get through some rough nights with her youngest child, a colicky baby, when she was three weeks old. The experience reinforced White’s belief that babies can express their preferences well before they can speak, and inspired her to begin teaching other parents how to use the techniques to ease frustration.

“Parents often come to me because they have a baby that’s uncomfortable or fussy and the parents are frustrated because they can’t communicate,” said White. “I show them how easy it can be to communicate with a baby and for a baby to communicate back. Even a two-week-old has preferences on how they like to be massaged, what part of their body they like and what they don’t like.”

All royalties from the retail sales of the Expert Profiles book series are donated to the Global Autism Project. Expert Profiles: Conversations with Influencers & Innovators – Volume 7, is available on in paperback and Kindle at

To learn more about Baby Kneads, visit For upcoming seminars, classes and programs, visit

About Baby Kneads

Founded in 1999, Baby Kneads specializes in teaching parents, teachers, professionals and caregivers how to strengthen the relationship between an infant, toddler or child and their caregiver. Guiding thousands of families, caregivers, teachers and professionals in New England, Founder Sheryl White is committed to giving adults and children the power of effective communication, with or without words. She is a certified Infant Massage Instructor, Baby Signer, Reiki Master, member of the International Association of Infant Massage and a mother of three. To learn more about how infant massage and sign language can transform child-adult relationships, visit For upcoming seminars, classes and programs, visit