Robert Brown Of YIPTEL Navigates Hurricane HIPAA, Offering Doctors A Cloud-Based Silver Lining

ACA and HIPAA have created the perfect storm. As health providers strive for innovative solutions, higher levels of service and lower costs, many have implemented tele-medical services and VOIP, sending calls via Internet, but few deliver a secure, end-to-end encryption. This is not HIPAA compliant. Robert Brown of YIPTEL, however, has a solution for ensuring patient privacy, via a cloud-based encryption system: YIPTEL TeleHealth.

“YIPTEL TeleHealth allows a doctor to send the patient a link which encrypts the conversation and uses the webcam for a personal, private interaction,” Brown says. This enables doctors to change medication and see what’s happening with a patient. The system also facilitates privacy for staff training, meetings, consultations, comparing graphs and content, for practical collaboration among colleagues.

Banks, law firms and big businesses have fully recognized the effect of video conferencing on their ROI. For healthcare, however, until recently, this was practical only for large hospitals with large budgets and private networks. Former Apple CEO John Sculley says, “Healthcare has missed the PC and Internet revolutions, but it cannot afford to miss the cloud and mobile revolutions.”

YIPTEL’s solution means healthcare can join the revolution – and cloud-based technology makes it even more affordable for small clinics and single practitioners. Brown indicates, “We’ve created a solution and we provide it at a low monthly cost to these providers. Any single practitioner can subscribe to the service – it’s cost-effective, simple and easy to implement.”

YIPTEL interfaces with videophones, desktop applications or SIP standard systems, enabling connection for patients, doctors and medical personnel at any technology or equipment level. Certification is required, however, to ensure HIPAA compliance, and YIPTEL provides this as well. “Our team goes in to certify that YIPTEL is secure – we can provide that certification,” Brown confirms.

While YIPTEL TeleHealth is fully usable via the cloud, larger organizations may want to purchase the equipment to be installed on-premises. Substantial grants are available to help deploy some of these solutions. “At YIPTEL,” Brown points out, “we try to help these organizations find the money, secure the grant and find the solutions.”

For more information on YIPTEL’s HIPAA compliant video conferencing solution, go to: