Michio Kaku, known as “Dr. Physics,” is a theoretical physicist studying aging and how to reverse the aging process in humans. He says, “Aging is basically the build-up of error: error at the genetic level, error at the cellular level. Cells normally repair themselves; that’s why you heal when you get a cut. But even the mechanism of repair eventually falls apart.”
The familiar signs of aging such as sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles happen when the cells of the skin are damaged by toxins in the environment or exposure to ultraviolet rays (UV). For decades, scientists have known that Vitamin C can fight these signs of gaining in skin by increasing antioxidants. These antioxidants have been shown to prevent agents called free radicals from damaging skin cells in the body.
Recently, science has shown that peptides and plant stem cells can also fight signs of aging in skin. Peptides cross the barrier of the skin and rejuvenate the skin on a cellular level by increasing collagen production. Collagen is what makes the skin maintain elasticity.
“What many people don’t realize is that both men and women naturally lose one-percent of our natural collagen each year after the age of 30,” says Julie Ure, co-owner of Rejuvellé, a company that specializes in combining Vitamin C, Peptides and Plant Stem Cells. “This means that people with maturing skin definitely need peptides in their skincare regimes, because only peptides work deep down at the cellular level to produce and stimulate natural skin repair.”
The combination of all three skin repair ingredients in one product is unique to Rejuvellé skin serum. Experts agree, recently Dr. Mehmet Oz, from “The Doctor Oz Show,” recommended peptide-based anti-aging products to combat sagging skin. On his show, Dermatologist, Dr. Dennis Gross explained that peptides increase collagen and elastin production to reduce the appearance of sagging.
To learn more about Julie Ure and Rejuvellé visit: http://rejuvelle.com/contact-us