Michele Moore Speaks to Faculty of Leadership Speakers Academy at West Point

Michele Moore, Speaker, and founder of MM Advisory Company LLC. Speaks to the Faculty Leadership Speakers Academy held at the United States Military Academy at West Point.  

On October the 9th 2016 thought leaders from around the world gathered at West Point for the Leadership Speakers Academy.  The topic was Leadership, in life and business.  

The program was filled with Imagineering that included opportunity and security forecasting. Lt. General Honore’ cautioned “The next wars will be about water, not oil.  From global and domestic terrorist threats to natural disasters, we encounter new risks to our individual, community, and economic security each day.  We will need to leverage technology to deal with 7 to 10 Million people. It’s not an option, we must do it.  Imagine a plane landing at LaGuardia and the computer tells the pilot that the passenger in seat 22 has a fever. None of this is invented, and we have to live up to our ability to be innovators and dreamers.”

The other keynote speaker was Col. and Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, an American engineer and a former astronaut who is working on his next mission. As the Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 11, he was one of the first two humans to land on the Moon, and the second person to walk on it spoke about going big on his mission to Mars. He commented, “In my opinion, there is no more convincing way to demonstrate American leadership for the remainder of this century than to commit to a permanent presence on Mars, going to Mars without setting up a colony — launching only round-trip manned missions is not enough,  nor would establishing human outposts on the moon.”

Moore spoke about the different types of leaders and their characteristics, to a spellbound audience. She focused on the quiet leader inside all that rises to the occasion when in doubt. It was this soul searching that Moore tapped into to find her life purpose. She used her two most cherished interests, animals, and healthcare, to merge the two into strategies for wellness. She admonished her audience never to ignore that internal leader that leads one to a life of purpose. The group responded with a standing ovation.

Moore’s work has led her to research the physical, mental and emotional benefits of healing with animals. Moore is currently curating stories at her website www.talesofpaws.com from people around the world who are writing in their personal animal healing testimonies. She explains, “PAWS is an acronym for Tales of People, Animals, and Wellness.” The best narratives will be compiled and published in a book form. Moore plans to share this anthology to showcase the unique relationship and healing effects of the Human-Animal bond. Moore does media interviews about her cutting edge research and work.

To see the entire presentation go here.

To find out more about Michele go here.