Michael Mack – Attorney Spreads The Truth About Solutions To Life After Bad Credit

Michael Mack is a Midwest attorney who has lived life and practiced his profession from rather opposite views. He was once broke and bankrupt, and before that he worked for the credit industry.

For many years, Michael worked for a “tall building law firm” – a very large law firm which represents large corporations, primarily banks and credit card companies. Then, in the late 1990’s he crossed over to the ‘other side’ when he found himself in deep financial trouble.

After digging himself out of his financial problems, he started his own practice and he started to share his ‘insider’ knowledge with consumers who were having money troubles. Based on this work, Michael has developed two unique programs to help consumers who have money troubles and credit issues.

His organization, the Bankruptcy Credit Foundation, provides people who are recovering from bankruptcy with an exact step-by-step system to restore their credit score in less than a year.

In addition to educating consumers on how to raise their credit score quickly, he teaches people overlooked money and tax habits which enable people to avoid falling into the debt and credit trap again.

Michael’s second program, the Credit Score Foundation, empowers people who have not been in bankruptcy yet suffered financial troubles which caused their credit scores to suffer. They may have gone through a foreclosure, or experienced delinquencies and late payments from credit card or medical debt.  And now these people desire to boost their credit score.

He says, “For folks who discharged a bankruptcy, the approach to boost your credit score is very specific and it’s different than the approach for folks who have not filed bankruptcy, but who have suffered from credit problems.”

“There are really two different solutions to two different credit problems. In fact, the credit scoring model takes this into account by putting folks into different groups called credit ‘scorecards.’”

Michael explains that these “scorecards” present both a problem and an opportunity, depending on whether you take the right steps and avoid the common mistakes.

Michael states, “I know it is complex and confusing, yet what we do is make it really, really simple for folks. Our Foundations show people step-by-step in simple to follow terms, how to actually turn your bankruptcy or financial hardship into an advantage. And we offer support if people need personalized help.”

Michael educates consumers on many misconceptions about credit scores (like how to get the same industry credit score as your lender), what a credit score is based on, credit repair agencies and debt settlement.

“What separates us from other ‘experts’ is that our solutions are not based on theory or what we read in a book. It’s not guess work. It’s based on tried and tested principles which really, really work!”

“Keep in mind that we continue to update and improve the information. Our stuff is cutting edge. Some of the improvements come from our members who provide invaluable feedback on what is working; and some of it comes from ‘insiders’ within the credit industry,” says Michael.

As an attorney who has been through financial hardships himself, who has represented thousands of people with their credit issues, and been in Federal and State courts in front of judges advocating on behalf of consumers, Michael Mack has experience like no other when it comes to helping people with their credit issues.

To learn more about Michael Mack, visit: BankFound.org.