Media Marketing Strategist Brenda Chambliss Emphasizes The Significance Of A Good Name In Google

Highly sought out Media Marketing Strategist, Brenda Chambliss, CEO of No Digital Divide says many small business owners have paid hefty sums for (SEO) “Search Engine Optimization” so they can be found on the first page of Google. However, she believes the priority should be placed on what’s attached to that name first before it’s found. It is important to be on the first page of Google however, being positioned correctly to be viewed as having credibility and authority beforehand, helps convert website traffic from browsers into buyers. Whenever anyone desires to get information about an individual or business; they typically do a Google search for that name.

Any data retrieved by search engines is always located on an online platform. Social Media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, or YouTube are all high traffic platforms and usually bring front page results in the search engines. It’s vital to manage what’s being said on these digital stages. What is written on these sites can establish trust and influence in the mind of the searcher or skepticism, depending on what is found. In today’s culture anyone is free to post what they like or what they don’t and take that liberty to digital podiums such as Yelp and other review sites to leave opinions about their experience with people, places and things.

A recent article in Forbes Magazine titled, “Employers Will Google You” affirms the necessity to obtain a good name in the search engines and although the article’s focus was on individual job seekers, it’s also essential for a business name to maintain a good reputation in Google as well. Chambliss says it’s imperative to have systems in place to monitor one’s online reputation.

However, being positioned as a trustworthy expert in a niche does not just happen arbitrarily, it’s a deliberate, measured process. A reputable presence on the web requires being watchful, strategic and systematic. She believes having favorable content connected to a name in Google, Yahoo or Bing is just as important as obtaining a good credit report with TransUnion, Equifax, or Experian.

Although most are aware of the necessity to monitor personal or business credit reports; in this digital economy having an upright name in the search engines is equally as important. Before the Internet, offline businesses depended on gaining new customers by “word of mouth” referrals and today that still holds true, yet some business owners are unaware people are still likely do a Google search on their business name, checking for reviews and other 3rd party credibility before making a final decision to do business. Too often, there have been good companies unaware of bad reviews or a negative experience associated with their business that could be causing would-be new clients to stay away.

Since the web obviously doesn’t have “face to face” handshake capabilities, it’s vital to have good content affiliated to a name from reliable sources. One way of generating up-to-date information is to have articles written about the business that show up in news media, social media and other trustworthy 3rd party sites. Creating useful content on a consistent bases can help manufacture a respectable name while simultaneously building long-term online stability, since data usually remains on the Internet for years.

Chambliss suggests taking small steps could make a big difference like; registering your own name sake domain, and by setting up “Google Alerts” to be notified by email whenever there is any mention of that name online. This simple strategy can help bring immediate impact. She says having the knowledge to build a trustworthy name online is priceless. As a wise man once said, “a good name is to be chosen better than great riches.” For more information, contact

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