Hutchinson, MN—The McLeod County DFL (Democratic—Farmer—Labor Party) recently elected a new Chair and Executive Board of Directors for the 2016-2018 term during the DFL County Convention held at the Days Inn in Hutchinson, MN.
Kimberly Ortloff (Hutchinson) steps up as McLeod County DFL Chair and Lowell Ueland (Glencoe) takes the Vice-Chair position, Kay Hultgren (Hutchinson) continues on as Secretary and JoEllen Kimball (Hutchinson) as Treasurer. Jan Conner (Hutchinson) moves into the DFL Outreach position. The McLeod County DFL delegates also elected 11 Members at Large to serve on the organization’s Executive Board of Directors.
The new board members are:
Jerry Belcher (Glencoe), Lincoln Benton (Hutchinson), Ryan Goff (Hutchinson), Kristina Jacobs (Bergen Township/Lester Prairie), Pete Kasal (Hutchinson), John Lipke (Stewart), Amanda Norgaard (Hutchinson), Mitchell Read (Glencoe), Jerilyn Shearer (Glencoe), Patricia Tanchin (Hutchinson) and Paul Wright (Hutchinson).
This is the first term as Chair for Ortloff who will be mentored by the outgoing chair, Patricia Tanchin. Ortloff says, “I look forward to raising awareness about the DFL in McLeod County and providing support for the candidates who will honor hard work, fair play and open-mindedness.”
The next meeting of the McLeod County DFL Executive Board of Directors is scheduled for Saturday May 14, 2016 at the Hutchinson Public Library (Hutchinson, MN) in the Conference room at 10 a.m. All are welcome to attend or may provide input to the board members.
For more information or to get involved with the McLeod County DFL please contact Kimberly Ortloff at kortloff3@gmail.com. To learn more, visit and “like” their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/McLeod-County-DFL-162194594979/?fref=ts&ref=br_tf.