Max (7) and Ella (5) Greene, the world’s youngest affiliate marketers and resident product reviewers at WhinyPaluza.com, challenge entrepreneurial moms with their new affiliate marketing coaching program.
“There are three things which are very important to making affiliate marketing work,” explains seven year old Max. “It is important to know your target audience, to know where your audience hangs out and how to identify your magical marketing position.”
Max and Ella run a series of short videos explaining how they use their natural skill and youthful vantage point to review the hottest and not so hot toys on the market today. In essence they are building a data bank of kid-approved games and toys and presenting these in meaningful manner to their target audience. This is their core and initial source of revenue.
After successfully walking the walk of the world’s youngest affiliate marketers, Max and Ella have bundled up their knowledge into one short package to help Mom’s enter the world of affiliate marketing with success. Their motto: It’s so easy a kid can implement.
The late Fred Rogers, who touched the lives of many a young person through the “Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood” between 1968 and 2001 noted, “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” This rings true in the story of Max and Ella.
When asked the secret to their success, Max explains, “That’s easy! We simply do what we love and share our experience with all the moms out there!”
“If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon,” explains motivational speaker and author Brian Tracy, “you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings,” as he touches on the heart of Max and Ellas’ business endeavors: Parents who present the world as a treasure chest of opportunities waiting to be discovered.
The Greene’s greatest supporters are their parents, Rebecca Greene, core author at WhinyPaluza.com and Seth Greene, CEO of The Ultimate Marketing Magician. “It’s great to see the drive the kids have,” notes Seth. “Often I am barely in the door and Max or Ella are already begging me to pull out the camera so they can create a new video. They love what they do. Play, play well, play hard. And receive affiliate sales for their willingness to share their experience. It’s a job set-up that most adults can only dream of!”
To see Max and Ella in action and learn the core principles behind their simple affiliate marketing success, visit YoungestAffiliateMarketers.com.