Jake Merriman, Millennial shepherd and founder of Gen Y Catalyst, is driven to help young professionals harness their untapped potential as individuals and as a collective generation. His entrepreneurial success has sparked a passion in his soul to help his generation discover its purpose and prepare for the future.
“Winter is Coming” is the dramatic motto of House Stark in the medieval fantasy HBO television series Game of Thrones. That’s a motto that the Millennial Generation, also known as Generation Y, is unknowingly adopting.
New research released by the Pew Research Center shows that Millennials, adults now ranging in age between 18 and 33, are the most distrustful generation yet still the most optimistic. Only 19% of Millennials say most people can be trusted. That’s compared to 31% of Gen Xers and 40% of Boomers.
When compared to earlier generations, Millennials have grown up with higher expectations, and also higher levels of student loan debt, poverty, and unemployment along with lower levels of wealth and personal income as a whole. Despite all of this, some of them have figured out how to reach high levels of success and fulfillment. This in part because Millennials have a redeeming quality. They are the most confident and optimistic in their long-term economic growth.
“We must be prepared for an economic spring or winter says Jake. “We may be jaded, but we also know that there are no limits. We know it’s our responsibility to create better lives for ourselves and build a better world. We’re strong and we’re optimistic. But we’re pushing up a lot of weight right now. To succeed, we need each other as well as guidance from successful professionals from the Boomer Generation.”
Jake founded Gen Y Catalyst in 2010 to drive the Millennial movement forward by creating a system of support, business strategy, mentorship, and motivation for an entire generation of achievers who are seeking to grow personally and professionally while taking major action to achieve greatness. “When you surround yourself with others who are making big moves, results become automatic and the sharing of intelligence and resources goes viral,” says Jake.
An essential component of Gen Y Catalyst is that it connects young professionals to the mentors and experienced business leaders who understand the value of passing along their wisdom. “This is just one of the ways we create an inner circle of excellence for our members,” says Jake.
To learn more about how to maximize your potential as a member of the Millennial generation, visit GenYCatalyst.com and request a free strategy session with one of the Gen Y Catalyst mentors.