Mark Cuviello is the owner of Fitness RX in Easton, MD. He has been involved in fitness for over 30 years and recently has seen some impressive successes in many of his female clients. In this article, Cuviello shares some of the ideas behind such great transformations.
Many fitness professionals have compelling stories as to how they became interested in health enough to evolve it first into a profession and then grow to the point of becoming a recognized expert. Cuviello is no different. “I began mostly playing sports and training to get bigger, stronger and faster. At some point through the years my interest evolved into wanting to help people achieve their goals in fitness and athletics,” explains Cuviello. “Fitness Rx is a 24 hr gym that has been built on customer service and hospitality in the gym environment. We help people set and realize achievable and realistic goals.”
When asked about his company’s success with women clients specifically, Cuviello responded, “Not only do women’s bodies change with age just like men, but women also face many unique fitness hurdles. These are specific hurdles that only women deal with on a monthly basis, pre-child birth, post child birth and menopause just to name a few.” Cuviello continues, “We teach them that fitness and health is 70% nutrition and 30% exercise. This holds true regardless of age.”
One quick glance at the Fitness RX website and a visitor will see that Cuviello and his team have no shortage of success stories. Merrie – a client that has lost 65 pounds to date – writes, “I had just about given up. I had had 5 knee operations and I wasn’t healing properly. In fact, I could barely move! My quality of life was not good. My knee and my weight were limiting my activities and my life.” Merrie continues, “I decided to give Fitness Rx a try. With support, motivation, and guidance from my trainer, Glen and the staff, fitness and health have become my new way of life. I feel better than ever and I am more physically fit than ever before. You never know what you can accomplish until you really try!”
When Cuviello was asked whether there were any secrets behind his client’s success, he replied candidly, “There are no magic pills or special diets or secret potions or unique movements that will make a woman attain success. If there were, everyone would have the body they dream about.” Cuviello explains,”We teach our clients about nutrition and proper exercise practices. Everything that we demonstrate and teach we live ourselves and are treated as life lessons. Every single client walks away with the knowledge to continue the path of fitness and health. The mind is the key and education is a priority for Fitness Rx. Every woman can make progress with our trainers, principles and education.”
Mark Cuviello adds one final point before closing, “My trainers are available to meet with potential clients for a one hour personal assessment. We give this assessment free to new members as part of the benefit of joining Fitness Rx.”
Anyone wishing to learn more about Mark Cuviello or his team at Fitness RX are encouraged to contact him at 101 Marlboro Ave, Easton MD. PHONE: 443-385-0606 or visit: