Marc Camras, PhD San Diego Entrepreneur Coach | 5 Steps to The Top For The Franchise Owner

Marc Camras, PhD San Diego Entrepreneur Coach says, “For a Franchisee it’s possible to achieve greater success if you’re willing to make some changes in the way you run your business and the way you think about business.”

Achieving greater business success requires a change in mindset. It requires that both strategies and tactics change in the running your business. Typically, a franchisor has a marketing plan for their franchisees, and if you execute that marketing plan you will be fine. If you do more than the marketing plan, you’ll be even better.

Change the way you look at a marketing plan and make it your community plan. It’s about getting involved in your community and becoming known so that your business becomes known. It’s rethinking what that marketing plan should look like, so it’s much more impactful on a local level.

Franchisees need a success formula to guide them in doing more. The success formula consists of five items, and if you change or adjust any of those items, you will increase the success of your business.

The beauty of a franchise is you can find out how well people do, and what the qualities and characteristics of those owners are. Before you become a business owner, you can know what the top 20, mid 50 and bottom 30th percentile producers do.

Early on you are concerned with financials but then you move forward. You stop paying attention to the numbers. The plan is about getting you to pay attention on a regular basis to those numbers. You can’t just hire a bookkeeper and accountant and not explore what the numbers are telling you

A franchise is unique in the fact that you have all of these resources available to you. All of these other business owners are doing the exact same business, and a corporate entity that’s designed to help you be successful if you take advantage.

The top 20 percent take lots of advantage. They spend lots of time with other franchisees, on the phone or in visits. They spend lots of time communicating with the franchisor. They’re not afraid to say I don’t know and I need help.

Your employees are your brand ambassadors. Treat your employees well, and they’ll be great brand ambassadors. You must constantly be training them. Get them involved in your business. They are resources for your business.

Include them in your marketing and community plan. Encourage them to connect with other employees in the system from other franchise owners. Be transparent about your numbers so they know what’s going on and why it’s going on.

They have a vested interest in the business’ success now because they’re taking responsibility for the business’ success not just responsibility for some job that they have.

Successful business owners don’t look at the business as a replacement for the job. The middle 50th percentile gets a business to replace a job. They make $80,000. They’re happy.

If you want to be in the top 20 percent you need a growth mindset. You need to have a healthy relationship to fear and obstacles. Be proactive when it comes to fear and obstacles. You need to do stuff, not sit and wallow. You need to get off your butt, and you have to tackle things. You have to seek failure as a learning opportunity. That’s your means to grow.

“You also need purpose. Your business has to have a purpose.” Dr. Camras tells us. “You need to always be aiming towards something, and keep that purpose in mind, because when you have that purpose, you are more likely to continue to move towards it, and persevere in the face of obstacles, or failure or setbacks.

“The secret to becoming a successful franchisee is what happens inside your head and how you work with your environment outside.”

To see more about Dr. Marc Camras, PhD visit his Web Site at
Or call his office 760-230-2827
1520 Calle Narcisos, Encinitas, CA 92024