Liz Wickline is a top-producing Realtor and the owner of Country Road Realty in Lewisburg, WV. In this article, Wickline shares some insider advice for buyers looking to purchase their first home in and around her area. One could say that Wickline has been drawn to providing exceptional customer service all of her working life. “Starting out with my own hair salon called ‘Guys and Dolls’ I have always loved working directly with customers,” she recalls. She adds, “Then I took the real estate course in 1990 and what started out as a hobby became my true calling in life.”
Wickline started Country Road Realty in 2000 and her philosophy is still the same as when she started. “It is never about the sale,” she explains. “I just love putting buyers in the right property for them.” When asked what Wickline saw happening with real estate in and around Lewisburg, she responded, “Purchasing your first home is often confusing and ridden with angst. First-time home buyers need to ask questions and read everything before signing anything.” She also added, “There are some wonderful loans available for the first time buyers. Make sure you ask your Realtor about what options might be available to you.”
With so much experience in the market, Wickline also has a whole plethora of tips and insider advice to offer first time buyers. She goes ahead and provides a numbered list of her favorites:
1. Think long term and think resale
2. Checklist of must have vs. nice-to-have
3. Look at all possible expenses when budgeting for the house
4. Read everything and ask questions if unsure of anything
5. Learn the demographics of the neighborhood
6. Look beyond staging to see what is behind the surface presentation
7. Be well aware of property taxes
It goes without saying that first time home buyers should also work closely with a qualified real estate professional and someone they can trust to provide clear, honest information.
Anyone wishing to learn more about Liz Wickline is encouraged to visit her website at: http://www.WVCountryRoad.com. Or, call her cell at (304) 646-8287 or her office at (304) 647-2000.