Leslie Flowers Announces Program To Help Women in Business Narrow Earnings Gap

Leslie Flowers Enterprises, LLC announces  ‘mavenZmind©’ a new program that focuses on helping women in business earn more money now by collaborating and applying timeless success principles that men have leveraged for centuries.

Based on a study published by the Institute of Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) for the State of North Carolina, January 2013, it will be 2054 before women earn the same as men. This issue not isolated to North Carolina, but is a reflection of what is happening across the country for women.

“One of the main things that I see holding woman back from earning the same as men right now is a lack of awareness of what constitutes success in business today,” said Leslie Flowers. “The mavenZmind© program teaches women business success principles and skills leveraged by men for centuries, via mastermind. It also develops an inherent self confidence, an absolute requirement for business success.”

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and Author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, echoes  the importance of women becoming aware and working in collaboration to make changes and achieve the best results.

“We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change.”

“The more women help one another, the more we help ourselves. Acting like a coalition truly does produce results.”

Women enter the business world unaware of the expectations set by men and lacking self confidence, the two must-haves to go toe-to-toe with men.  This program, with special focus on Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, is about a new way of thinking for women which yields a new set of skills and enhanced self confidence, both necessary to effectively ask for and receive fair compensation for matching expertise.

Over several weeks in the program, women learn and apply timeless business principles and practices with other women in a mastermind setting, to grow their businesses.  Women quickly embrace, as men already do, their abilities and worthiness of fair pay for their services.

The results from this program are not just theory as Leslie Flowers has been delivering this material to entrepreneurs and small business owners for nearly a decade.

“Leslie and I have discussed Napoleon Hill’s life and work extensively. This lady knows what she is talking about.” J. Ross Cornwell, Editor/Annotator, Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised, first editor-in-chief of “Think & Grow Rich Newsletter,” published for the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

For more information on the mavenZmind© program:  http://leslie-flowers.com/mavenZminds