Lee Mench, San Diego Executive Suite Consultant says, “Today, many small business owners feel they are better off without an office; that only having an office at home will be less expensive and more productive than an executive suite office.” An article in The San Diego Professional Journal recently stated, “Consumers and clients of services always prefer to speak with a live person. With all of the technology that is out there today, the professional image of a live telephone answering receptionist located in your office that knows a little about you and your business is critical.” A live person answering your telephone means you mean business. It sets you above your competition.
A professional business address is necessary even if you really work from home. Many search engines will not acknowledge you if your business address is in a residential neighborhood. Many people and businesses are using Google Earth to locate you before they choose to do business with you. When they see a residential address they may bypass you for a “real” business.
Before deciding on a location, be sure to evaluate the facility completely. Does the facility meet your business objectives? What special services or features do you need? Is 24 hour access required? Is it cost effective? Does the facility or management offer anything outside the normal services?
With a key pad access or card reader access system, most facilities have 24/7 access. It’s important to find out what extra fees a facility will charge. They may have a super low monthly fee for access but then the charge extra for everything from phone calls to an extra 30 minutes in the conference room. Clients should be careful to confirm the time commitment for their agreement. The most flexible is a month to month agreement. This way if you have to relocate, if you get a long term assignment comes along that provides office space at a client’s office for instance, you would not be required to pay a fee to terminate the agreement.
You may see more about Executive Suites and Lee Mench in The San Diego Professional Journal at: http://www.realestate.sandiegoprofessionaljournal.com/lee-mench/.
Visit or call his office in the East County Business Center, 270 East Douglas Ave., El Cajon CA 02020 or call (619) 401-4000.