Just Because Facebook Killed Off Their Email Addresses – Don’t Panic ! – Says Kurt Johansen

Kurt Johansen, “The Email Engagement Guy,” is an Author, Coach and Strategist who could not comprehend when the Internet went into meltdown after Facebook killed off their email service.  Plastered in news stories across the Internet were variations on the headline: “Email is Dead.” Johansen says, this is far from the truth. “Email is more relevant today than it has ever been,” he proclaims.

“One of the biggest challenges businesses have is to receive a decent return on their marketing dollars invested. Email marketing allows business owners quick, easy and affordable means to contact their customers, build relationships and make sales.” Clients of Kurt Johansen,  obtained great results in only a few days, using Kurt Johansen’s email system when their previous results were small.  Kurt Johansen is known internationally as “the email engagement guy” for a reason.  His knowledge and experience gained over more than a decade shows that a return on your email marketing dollar is possible and email is definitely not dead.

Harvard Business Review, one of the world’s leading management journals, agrees with Kurt Johansen stating, “Email Marketing is King.”  “Periodically you may hear digital hipsters claim that e-mail is dead.  Don’t believe them.  People still spend half their workday dealing with it, they trust it…” The Harvard Business Review stated: “In a business world obsessed with gaining more customers intelligence, you would expect that email marketing would get more respect, emails beat the competition from a measurability standpoint. A properly structured email message provides this benefit to the marketer because it provides benefits to consumers.”

To be seen as a welcome guest instead of the pest, email has to be written so it is seen as helping (not just selling), plus it has to get under the spam radar. Customer Victor Little says, “Kurt Johansen’s email marketing system bought me in $39,000 of sales I didn’t have, just by sending  a couple of emails over a couple of days. I create the basic idea and Kurt with his magic, crafts an email that will get through and be read, and boom the sales came in.”

For more information, visit the official website of Kurt Johansen at: http://www.kurtjohansen.com for your next email marketing campaign.