It’s almost cliche to look in the mail and see an advertisement that reads, “World’s Best Dentist.” A new patient may try it because they want to see for themselves what the dentist is like, or they may even go just to try and prove the promise wrong. But what right does the dentist have to make the claim that their services are the world’s best?
Contrast that with a friend of an existing patient that excitedly says, “You have to try this dentist! They have the best service and I didn’t feel a thing!” One is more likely to believe that friend and go out of their way to visit the dental office and try the service. Why? Because a trusted third-party source said it was the best without all the bragging and self-proclamation.
The former type of marketing is called first-hand marketing, which most savvy dentists have already perfected. It’s the art of self-promotion and trying to convince someone that what they have to offer is the best compared to the alternatives. The second, and more effective marketing is that of third-person marketing – or “authority” marketing. Authority marketing starts when a qualified third-party media channel recognizes someone as the expert authority in an industry and tells relevant and interested people about them.
As he works with clients, Jon Davis, Founder of Medical Authority Agency, uses the power of third-party media sources to get his clients seen as an authority in their industry. He said, “I see my clients and other prospective clients spending valuable time and money promoting themselves on blogs, their websites, online ad sites, social media and in locally mailed advertisements, only to see smaller results than what they should have received for the money they spent. The key to unlocking unlimited qualified patients without overwhelm is to get others who have clout to tell the world about them. The gates open up once this happens.”
Davis is focused on helping dentists, doctors and others in the medical field who want to claim their spot as the authority in their industry. These professionals are typically already serving clients and experiencing success in their business, and are looking for a way to step away from the crowd and their peers as a true expert.
Becoming a medical authority is not about SEO, getting on the first page of Google or simply putting the logos on a website. Authority marketing is about creating and leveraging media exposure and newly created trust to get patients raising their hand to ask for help. The natural benefits of authority marketing are patients that approach the doctor ready to become a client, the ability to charge higher fees for services, and social trust amongst peers and patients that is built instantly instead of months by using traditional methods.
With his experience in authority marketing, Davis and his associates have created over 100 best-selling authors within the last six months, and have helped many medical industry leaders create their authority platforms using major media. When doctors become an educator and advocate for the success of their patients, the patient is compelled to choose them over their competition because they are perceived as someone willing to help.
“We manufacture authority by using articles, news releases and best-selling book campaigns to create credibility and trust using major media channels, and teach out clients how to get their expertise to the world quickly.” Davis added, “Because clients are doing this the right way, they often end up on major affiliate news sites.”
For more information on Jon Davis and his services, email jon@medicalauthorityagency.com.