Joel Helfer, Chicago’s Top Small Business Coach, Says “You Can’t Be An Authority Without The Right Tools!”

You can’t build a house without tools and neither can you build authority in your industry. The right tools will skyrocket your positioning and make it easier for your prospect and clients to get to know, like and trust you. Joel Helfer, of, LLC has been compiling a list of these types of tools to help his clients build authority in their own industries.

Helfer finds that using Internet tools saves both time and money. It also positions you as an authority in a professional manner. Helfer believes that the right use of authority building tools can shorten the time it takes to build a real business that makes money. He explains, it all starts with exposure. You want your name and message in as many places as possible…preferably all at the same time.

Joel Helfer’s List of Authority Building Tools is a great tool for getting opportunities to be interviewed on both radio and podcast stations. Once you sign up, you receive a list of interview opportunities available each day in you inbox. All you have to do is follow up on these opportunities and you can almost guarantee yourself at least one radio or podcast interview per month.  is a great tool for getting your message, news and articles spread across the United States to 100’s of digital TV, Radio and news outlet web affiliates. Once you are seen and cited on one or more of these sites, you can repurpose this authority building exposure on all your own media and marketing materials.  is a great tool for making it easy for your prospects and clients to arrange a phone call with you. Once they get your scheduler address, they pick the day and time to speak with you. You get an email confirming the date, time and phone number to call. This is a high profile, professional way of both building authority and getting phone calls from prospects and buyers at the same time.

A tip here: Don’t put to many times per day, or too many days in advance to pick for a person to call you. Make it appear you are a little difficult to reach and that you are not just sitting by the phone waiting for them to call. is a treasure trove tool of resources. It is a banquet of all types of tasks an authority needs done at reasonable prices. You can get great graphics, tech solutions, book covers, articles ghost written, and a myriad of other services. I have had great success using  Sometimes you have to be a little patient with the vendor, but the wait is well worth it. is a wealth of information and research. When you are looking for fresh ideas to create valuable content, go to Amazon, type in the topic you want in the search bar… and then research the table of contents of the titles that spark your interest.  By researching the table of contents of several books on the subject you want to write about or create a video about, you will find plenty of stimulating sentences you can turn into original content. is a platform where you can build your authority by creating and sponsoring a podcast radio station. If you are having difficulty getting interviewed, start your own station and interview successful business owners and professionals. You can gain authority by being associated with the top professionals in your industry. And in time, you will not have to seek out guests, they will be knocking at your door for exposure opportunities.

Local Associations and Chamber of Commerce’s are great resources of networking and relationship building opportunities. While it is a given that most people who attend these events are more interested in selling their products than buying yours… it is still an opportunity to stand out by either making a live presentation or passing out a copy of your latest book to everyone who attends. There is no greater way to begin to build your authority than by giving away a free copy of a book you have written. It creates a great impression and positions you as an authority in your industry.

For a large list of additional authority building tools, contact Joel Helfer at and he will be happy to provide them. If you want to test out the call scheduling system to see if it is right for you, you can test one at: To learn more, contact Joel Helfer at (847) 559-8836.

If you have a favorite tool that helps you be more productive, send it to Helfer so he can add it to his list and give you credit and authority positioning at the same time.