Jeannetta has often been heard saying, “I hate when I hear people say, I wish today was Friday.” Making her wonder, “Why are they wishing their life away?”
This may very well be because so many individuals simply don’t know how to make their dreams of reaching financial freedom become a reality. Many people often romanticize the law of attraction and believe it’s enough to manifest a goal and it will surface. However, envisioning the end result is not enough. Words without action are nothing, without the work. One must take the time to plant the seeds in order to experience the abundance from the harvest.
As an entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience, Jeannetta Collier is not afraid to evolve and has most certainly put the sweat equity into developing successful businesses. She has been featured twice as One of the Most Notable People in North Texas and has facilitated numerous start-ups. She is the founder of Imaginary Glass Ceiling and Nu’Blac Investments, organizations that were founded based on an ongoing need for education, to provide awareness, and grant access to networks and platforms that were not available to so many individuals for far too long. Jeannetta is also a transformational master life coach and business strategist, certified NLP master coach, international speaker, investment strategist in real-estate and market trading, philanthropist, published author, community advocate, creative and executive producer, and radio host of The Best You.
In 2020, Jeannetta mapped out a detailed plan to scale and grow her businesses and wound up surpassing her goals substantially! Through her businesses formed in 2016, Imaginary Glass Ceiling, an organization that helps empower women to reach their fullest potential both personally and professionally, and Nu’Blac Investments, early-stage venture capital and angel investment firm that invests in start-up companies she has made a remarkable impact with her clients by sharing her proven strategies.
Another benefit of working with Nu’Blac Investments is that they help individuals grow by educating communities, organizations, and corporations by explaining the importance of investing in themselves in addition to investing their money. This knowledge, in turn, allows financial growth to become generational wealth that can be handed down and builds a stronger overall community.
Fact: 88% of U.S. millionaires are self-made. The majority of these millionaires accumulated their wealth through investments, real estate, stocks, products, services and by being financially savvy. Now, for many, the challenges of 2020 brought out an incredible interest in pursuing more personal, fulfilling, money-making interests. But, a large percentage of individuals aren’t sure how to navigate from the point of concept to completion and tapping into the part where an idea produces income. So, the question Jeannetta asks these individuals is, “Are you ready for your next breakthrough?” If the answer is an overwhelming YES, she has accomplished so much in one lifetime and is eager to share her success formula so that others may not simply survive but thrive!
What sets Imaginary Glass Ceiling and Nu’Blac Investments apart from others is that they teach clients what they themselves eat, breathe and live daily. The solutions don’t just come from book knowledge, they are derived from sweat, tears, and knowledge equity. And, they will never ask clients to do something they haven’t already done. Clients are taught valuable strategies through educational platforms such as workshops, seminars, online courses, group and private coaching, Jeannetta’s book, The Best YOU: A 365 Day Motivational Journey, and her radio/podcast show, The Best You.
Jeanetta Collier is a woman who has discovered her purpose and the means to achieving it. She has realized that by simply changing one’s mindset any challenge can be conquered and any goal can be accomplished. Determine the dream and go after it!
Texan, Jeannetta Collier, an entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience and who has facilitated numerous start-ups, is the founder of Imaginary Glass Ceiling. She is a transformational life coach and business strategist, certified NLP master coach, international speaker, entrepreneur, investment strategist in real-estate and market trading, philanthropist, published author, community advocate, creative and executive producer and radio host of The Best YOU 365. She empowers her audience through her extraordinary story of triumph over single motherhood, having been diagnosed with a deadly disease and managing to catapult herself to a life of success and abundance. Collier is an active member in her community through acts of service on numerous boards, commissions and non-profit organizations and uses her knowledge of human development, creative business and leadership development to encourage personal empowerment and peak performance in life, career and relationships. Her super-power is to empower others to do the same.