In this interview, Omu Obilor delves into the intricate world of mindset transformation and personal development. She illuminates the importance of authenticity in shaping one’s mindset, emphasizing the alignment of core values with personal and professional aspirations as a foundation for success. Omu candidly addresses common misconceptions about her profession and shares inspiring success stories born from her coaching. Her insights span a wide spectrum of topics, from nurturing creativity and innovation to the indispensable role of resilience in long-term leadership success. Join us on this enlightening journey as we unravel the keys to fostering a resilient and growth-oriented mindset, and discover practical strategies for navigating the complexities of life and leadership.
-Begin Interview-
Who do you assist your clients and how?
I aid individuals who find themselves at a crossroads in life. Often, we encounter challenges that we consider normal or attribute to the nature of our work, yet deep down, we feel unsatisfied. It’s not solely about holding an executive position or earning a substantial income; it’s more about finding fulfillment, happiness, and achieving success. The definition of success varies from person to person. The people I work with are typically in a state of confusion; they can’t pinpoint what’s wrong, but they sense something is amiss. I guide these individuals through a comprehensive process that helps them live their best lives and attain both personal and professional success.
Could you clarify your concept of mindset and its role in achieving success?
Absolutely. My view of mindset revolves around authenticity, and I understand that this term has been somewhat overused. So, let me emphasize that being authentic doesn’t mean you simply speak your mind without restraint. It’s more about being in tune with your true self and the person you aspire to become. To do this, it’s crucial to align your values. When you understand your values, you gain clarity on your goals. Many people know what they want to do, their “purpose,” but struggle to achieve it because it doesn’t align with their core values. Sometimes, the values we think we hold aren’t actually reflected in our actions. For instance, if someone lists honesty, transparency, and reliability as their core values, but they aren’t consistently living by them, these values remain aspirational rather than core. Acknowledging this aspiration is a significant first step toward making them truly core values. Your mindset, where your thoughts reside, is also influenced by what you genuinely value and live by.
In today’s world, with the influence of social media and constant news bombardment, it’s easy to feel like our minds are all over the place, even when we believe we’re in control. Therefore, the first step in nurturing a positive mindset is authenticity—knowing yourself. It’s essential to have a conversation with yourself, something many people neglect due to the fast pace of society. In this hustle and bustle, we listen to everyone except ourselves. Taking the time for self-reflection is vital for achieving the right mindset and personal growth. We need to regain our focus and recenter ourselves in a world where 24 hours often feels insufficient.
What are the common mindset challenges people seek your help with?
The prevalent mindset challenge that clients often present with is comparing themselves to what they read and see on social media. However, interestingly, this isn’t typically the primary issue they bring to me. They initially come with what they believe is their problem, such as struggling with a slow business, finding work-life balance elusive, feeling like they’re constantly falling short, or witnessing others in their industry outperforming them despite their efforts. Upon closer examination, we often discover that these issues are rooted in what we call “A.N.T.S.” or automated negative thoughts. These negative thought patterns frequently stem from what they’ve encountered in their reading and viewing experiences.
I make it a point to explain that, regrettably, in the year 2023, everyone maintains two lives: their real life and their social media life. What appears on social media is a curated version of reality. Nobody showcases their tears or the 20 photos they took to select the best one for posting. Therefore, it’s essential not to measure your life or success by what you see on social media. This realization often serves as a turning point for many of my clients.
How do you assist clients in overcoming ANTs (automated negative thoughts)?
To help clients overcome automated negative thoughts (ANTS), we embark on a structured journey. Firstly, we delve into clarifying their precise aspirations and goals. In my process, we lay a strong foundation by identifying their core values relevant to their goals. We assess whether they are genuinely living by these values and, if not, develop actionable steps to align their actions with their core values. This alignment is crucial for achieving their objectives.
Next, we ensure that their values align with their desired outcomes and current actions. If there’s a misalignment, we work together to bridge the gap. Then, we focus on identifying the specific negative thoughts they regularly tell themselves. We proceed to construct affirmations, a practice that, while somewhat clichéd, is highly effective. It’s important to note that this transformation doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, it’s a gradual process where we counteract negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
Could you share practical strategies or techniques for leaders to enhance mental clarity and resilience?
Certainly, I’d be happy to. One technique that has personally made a significant difference for me is the practice of speaking affirmations while looking in the mirror. I was initially skeptical about it, and for a long time, I didn’t believe that simply talking to myself in front of a mirror could be effective. I questioned, “How can this change anything?” However, during my coaching journey a few years back, I decided to give it a shot. I realized that I had heard about this practice repeatedly and was tempted to teach it, but I hadn’t tried it myself, so I was skeptical about its effectiveness. I committed to doing it for seven consecutive days, and I noticed a tangible difference in my mindset and confidence. I became so convinced of its impact that I’ve made it a regular practice. Even when I don’t have a mirror, I imagine one. Speaking positive words to yourself is a powerful tool because the words you say to yourself hold more significance than what anyone else says to you. This is a valuable practice for leaders looking to enhance mental clarity and resilience.
Could you share a success story resulting from your work with a client to overcome mindset challenges?
Certainly, one client’s transformation stands out vividly. She was an exceptional teacher, highly regarded by those who knew her work. However, when she became my client, she struggled with self-doubt and a feeling of inadequacy. I couldn’t reconcile this with her reputation, so I asked, “But I’ve heard so much about you.”
It became apparent that she had set exceedingly high standards for herself and, because she hadn’t achieved them, she couldn’t appreciate the progress and growth she had achieved over the years. Our journey began by discussing her aspirations, and along the way, I consistently pointed out the negative words and phrases she used to describe herself. Gradually, her confidence began to resurface. She even authored a book, which she shared with me for review. Currently, she’s on the verge of launching her consultancy for parents seeking guidance on school choices. She remains a client, and her satisfaction with her progress is palpable. She has truly excelled.
Are there any prevalent myths or misconceptions about your profession?
Absolutely, I’ve come across a range of myths and misconceptions, regardless of people’s backgrounds. One of the most widespread misconceptions is that coaching is trivial. Many individuals initially believe that a coach won’t provide any insights they haven’t already heard, or that a coach is solely interested in listening to their story or making money off them. This is a significant misconception that can underestimate the profound impact coaching can have on personal and professional development.
How do you address and dispel these myths or misconceptions?
In addressing these myths or misconceptions, I take a nuanced approach. For some individuals who are firmly entrenched in their beliefs, I don’t actively attempt to convince them, as coaching requires a willingness to receive and participate fully.
To counter these misconceptions, I typically offer a no-commitment session. This allows potential clients to experience the coaching process firsthand. If they find value in it and are open to continuing, we proceed. Throughout the process, I prioritize transparency. I explain what they can realistically expect from coaching and what it cannot achieve, ensuring there are no unrealistic expectations. This approach helps bridge the gap between myths and the genuine benefits of coaching.
What steps can leaders take to nurture a mindset that encourages creativity and innovation?
Leaders can cultivate a mindset that promotes creativity and innovation by:
- Embracing Open-mindedness: A willingness to learn from diverse sources and explore new ideas is vital. An open mind creates space for innovative thinking.
- Prioritizing Lifelong Learning: Continuous learning keeps leaders up-to-date with new concepts and fosters creative thinking.
- Allowing for Breaks: Avoiding constant busyness is essential. Taking breaks allows the mind to clear, making room for creative insights and innovative ideas.
What is the significance of resilience in attaining long-term success as a leader?
Resilience holds great significance, particularly in the post-COVID era and amid ongoing societal challenges. The need for resilience has become even more apparent. Many leaders now recognize its pivotal role in navigating these demanding circumstances.
Could you share any advice or strategies for maintaining clarity and resilience in the face of unpredictable events, especially within the business landscape?
In the dynamic business landscape, it’s essential to surround yourself with capable individuals and delegate responsibilities effectively. Acknowledging the inevitability of change is a hallmark of a resilient mindset. Leaders should also be adaptable and prepared to pivot when circumstances demand it. These strategies can help maintain clarity and resilience in the face of uncertainty.
What criteria should individuals consider when seeking the type of assistance you provide?
When searching for the right assistance, I recommend considering two key criteria:
- Shared Core Values: Look for someone whose core values align with yours or who prioritizes values crucial to your goals. This alignment creates a strong foundation for effective collaboration.
- Relevant Experience: Seek assistance from someone who has either traversed a similar path or possesses expertise in the areas where you require help. Having a guide who comprehends your journey can significantly enhance the assistance you receive.
For those interested in learning more about your services, what are the next steps they should take?
To learn more about my services, individuals can:
- Visit my website at thrivewithomu.com
- Connect with me on LinkedIn
- Send me a message on Instagram
These platforms provide valuable insights into my work and how I can assist you on your journey to personal and professional growth.
Jeremy Baker is an Author and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine, covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.