Insights from Jennifer Faye Colombo: A Quick Introduction to Custom Card Decks and Journals

In this interview with Jennifer Faye Colombo, we delve into her role in assisting small business owners, particularly coaches and energy healers, in creating purposeful card decks and journals to enhance their client engagement. Jennifer explains the diverse objectives these card decks can serve, from fostering clarity and resilience to inspiring creativity among entrepreneurs. She dispels misconceptions surrounding the creation process, emphasizing its flexibility, and shares valuable insights for individuals considering embarking on a journey to craft these unique tools. Jennifer’s passion for supporting others in this creative endeavor shines through as she highlights the profound impact these personalized card decks can have on clients.

[Q] Who do you assist, and in what capacity?


 I assist small business owners, primarily life and business coaches, along with energy healers. My focus is on helping them create purposeful journals and card decks. These resources empower them to enhance their client engagement beyond one-on-one sessions. The ways they utilize these tools vary; they might provide clients with tips, affirmations, or prompts, enabling ongoing personal growth work even between sessions.

[Q] What’s the main aim of the card decks your clients create with your assistance?


 The primary goal of the card decks I help clients create varies based on their unique needs. Some opt for question decks, filled with thought-provoking inquiries to gain insights into their personal or business life. Others prefer tip decks, offering practical advice to tackle challenges or uplifting messages for daily inspiration. Ultimately, these card decks aim to provide clarity, resilience, and a sense of support. Clients can turn to these tangible tools for guidance and inspiration, even during solitary moments.

[Q] How would you describe the impact of the clarity and resilience improvements from these card decks? What’s the significant advantage for a business owner?


 One of the key benefits is that individuals can utilize the deck or journal independently, without their coach or support team. It empowers them by tapping into their inner wisdom. While seeking external support is valuable, the ability to self-reflect and find answers within oneself is incredibly empowering. It reduces the constant reliance on others for solutions, which is particularly valuable for business owners.


[Q] How does this newfound clarity and resilience assist them in facing business challenges or difficult times?


 This clarity and resilience serve as a catalyst for transformation. Business transformations often occur through smaller, incremental steps that accumulate over time. While these steps may appear modest individually, it’s the consistent daily actions that truly drive life and business transformations. These tools offer vital support during these transitional and transformational periods.

[Q] Do these products also inspire creativity in your clients?


 Yes, absolutely. That’s always my intention when designing these products. The artwork in them is meant to ignite a desire to create and evoke a sense of relaxation and well-being. As entrepreneurs, we engage in creative activities daily, whether we identify as “creative” or not. Some might believe they’re not creative because they associate it with visual arts, writing, or performing arts, but that’s not the whole picture. Entrepreneurs constantly create content, products, services, and more for their audience.


For some clients, entrusting me with the task of creating their products helps them tap into their creative flow and generate ideas for their business. For those eager to embrace creativity more fully, I encourage them to explore simple art supplies like crayons, listen to music, and enjoy the process. As they become more comfortable with this approach and practice it regularly, it can open up their creative channels.


Many entrepreneurs mention experiencing a “flow state” when they have great business ideas, often at unexpected times, like in the shower. Similarly, creative inspiration can strike when creating a product or engaging in artistic exploration. The products I create for clients to share with their own customers can also spark creativity and innovation in their work, fostering a continuous cycle of inspiration.

[Q] Any tips or strategies for maximizing the utility of these card decks?


 Excellent question. My top tip is to ensure that if you’re considering creating a card deck for your business, ensure it aligns closely with your client’s needs and your working style. A card deck can take various forms and isn’t confined to traditional concepts like tarot decks or standard playing cards. It can consist of practical tips tailored to your clients, nuggets of wisdom you frequently emphasize, or questions you find yourself using with different clients. These elements can help your clients gain clarity and support their personal transformation.


My primary advice is to create something that seamlessly integrates with your business and client interactions. I can provide guidance in this process, helping you identify the right format and approach for your specific requirements. If you’re eager to start, my second tip would be to begin brainstorming and pay attention to your client interactions. Notice recurring patterns in your conversations. You may be sharing similar information, asking specific questions, or offering consistent affirmations or tips almost instinctively because they’ve become second nature. Identifying and documenting these recurring elements can serve as the foundation for crafting an effective card deck tailored precisely to your clients’ needs.

[Q] Are there any myths or misconceptions that you often address?


 Absolutely, one common myth I frequently debunk is the idea that a card deck must conform to a specific look or template. This misconception often stems from people’s familiarity with traditional playing card decks, which consist of 52 cards. Consequently, some assume that their deck must adhere to a predetermined number of cards. However, that’s not the case at all. If a 10-card deck aligns with your needs and your client’s preferences, that’s what we’ll create. The key is that anything you can envision is possible, and I assist you in exploring these possibilities to determine what will best serve your clients.


There’s no universally right or wrong way to use a deck. Typically, both my clients and the decks I’ve created offer flexibility in how they can be utilized. Most of them don’t prescribe a rigid structure that mandates a specific approach. Some people prefer to flip through the deck and select what resonates with them for the day, while others choose to shuffle the deck and randomly pick a card to work with. Both methods are equally valid; it’s about what suits the individual best.


In addition, with so many options for self-publishing and printing, you can choose the option that works best for your business. You do not have to order large quantities of your journals or card decks or even touch stock if you don’t want to. 


[Q] What inspired you to create these card decks? Can you share the idea and inspiration behind them?


 Absolutely. Several years ago, I had this idea just pop into my mind. I’ve always been someone who uses card decks for various purposes, and I thought, “Well, I’m an artist; it would be really fun to create one.” Then, a couple of years later, a friend approached me with a concept and asked if I would be the illustrator. We started working on it, and we even had a publishing deal on the table, which we eventually declined. During that process, I dived into the world of self-publishing, and it struck me that not only could I create card decks for myself, but I could also do it for others who wanted to offer something unique to their clients during sessions—something that truly reflected their wisdom rather than an off-the-shelf solution.


I realized that I could support them through the entire process, as it typically wasn’t their area of expertise. Whether they needed help with creating the artwork or guidance from the initial concept to bringing it all together and navigating the production and printing stages, I found immense satisfaction in being the person who could make it happen for others.

[Q] What’s the most significant benefit of undertaking this creation process?


 I would say the most crucial aspect of embarking on this journey is asking yourself why you want to create this in the first place. Often, people engage in this process for reasons akin to why someone would want to publish a book—to make a meaningful impact on others. So, it’s essential to truly understand your motivations and what kind of impact you believe your creation will have on people. I think that’s a vital consideration. When clients and customers are benefiting from what you created in so many ways, it is truly rewarding and worth the effort of creating.


In reality, the process is often simpler than most people assume, especially when you have someone like me guiding you every step of the way, providing support and assisting in making key decisions. For individuals who may not be familiar with the self-publishing process, it can initially appear overwhelming. However, with the right guidance, it becomes a manageable and straightforward endeavor.

[Q] What should people do to learn more about this process?


 Absolutely! To learn more, you can find me on Instagram, where I’m active as @JenFayeArt. Additionally, you can visit my website at If you’re curious about this process and want to dive deeper, you can book a call with me for a conversation. Sometimes, it’s helpful to have a discussion with me initially to explore the possibilities and understand how it can benefit your business. I’m more than happy to guide individuals through that process.

Jeremy Baker is an Author and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine, covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.