In the Age of Ever-Shortening Attention Spans, Communication Expert Dr. Michelle Mazur Helps Business Owners and Speakers Rebel Against the Status Quo, One Compelling Message At A Time

According to an often-cited study by Microsoft, the average person has an attention span of just eight seconds. This is a significant decrease from the average attention span of 12 seconds two decades ago – and is less than the nine-second attention span of a goldfish.

While some psychologists dismiss these results as more fable than fact, they have a ring of truth. Marketers, advertisers, salespeople, public speakers, and communication experts all agree that the digital attention span is shrinking, audiences are fragmented, and the marketplace is noisy. That makes it increasingly difficult for businesses to deliver their message and attract new customers or clients.

For experts like Dr. Michelle Mazur, finding new ways to help thought leaders connect with their audience means rethinking the way brands talk about themselves and showing them how to retool their message in a way the keeps audiences engaged.

“The biggest communication challenge is that those responsible for crafting and delivering the message are too close to their own message to see it,” says Dr. Mazur, author of the book 3 Word Rebellion: Create a One-of-a-Kind Message that Grows Your Business into a Movement and founder of Communication Rebel®. “Maybe you can easily explain how you do what you do, but your audience doesn’t seem to understand what it does for them.”

Mazur, who holds a Ph.D. in communication, founded Communication Rebel® on the belief that communication changes the world. After working with business owners and speakers for more than 25 years to fine-tune their message, she believes that creating a “3 Word Rebellion” is the key to turning a business into a movement. “Your ‘3 Word Rebellion’ is the key to growing your business, your audience, and your impact,” she says.

The challenge is to not overcomplicate it. According to Mazur, three simple words are all a business needs – and she believes that businesses and brands that think they are too sophisticated to distill the essence of their message down to just a few words are exactly the ones who need to simplify their approach.

“At the end of the day, the ‘3 Word Rebellion’ is not for you – it is for the people you are trying to reach. It’s for the people that you’re trying to change, to give them a place to belong in the sea of sameness that is out there,” Mazur explains. “The more special and unique you are, the more you need a ‘3 Word Rebellion’ to get those people in and get them interested in your work.”

Mazur guides clients through a three-phase process for turning their business into a movement within her ‘3 Word Rebellion’ framework.

1) Step into the leadership role. “If you are a business owner, surprise! You are also a leader,” Mazur says. “You have to lead your business, lead yourself, lead your clients, and lead the people who are following you.” Mazur believes this is the key to crafting a message that is bigger than a business – one that could potentially spark a movement.

2) Create a unique three-word rebellion. According to Mazur, any business can model the messaging success of other three-word rebellions, such as Simon Sinek (Start With Why), Mel Robbins (5-Second Rule), or Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat. Pray. Love.). “Your message needs to rise above the noise so you can tear down what exists and create your vision of change so that you can make your mark and create your legacy,” Mazur says.

3) Launch it to the world. “A rebellion is not a riot. Pointing out what’s wrong without making the space to usher in the new is complaining,” Mazur explains. “You get to create the vision of the world you want to live in, to lead people to a better place. So, your three-word rebellion will get you traction, even though it might not happen immediately. But you show up for this message every day, you’re committed to being its steward, and you share it on a regular basis.”

Mazur adds that when you do this right, your message will spread virally. “When you nail your ‘3 Word Rebellion,’ you will gather your people who say yes to the change you want to create,” Mazur teaches. “When they say yes and experience that change for themselves, they will start to spread your message.”

Someone who has experienced this firsthand is Meghan Crutchley, a business owner who turned to Dr. Mazur for help creating her own ‘3 Word Rebellion.’ “The results I got from working with Michelle have been amazing,” Crutchley says. “I’m much more optimistic and positive about getting out into the world of marketing knowing I’m attracting the people I want in my business. Michelle has been the best coaching investment I’ve made since I opened my business.”

Michelle Mazur, Ph.D. is speaker, coach, and author of three books, including the newly-released 3 Word Rebellion: Create a One-of-a-Kind Message that Grows Your Business into a Movement. Dr. Mazur is the host of the Rebel Rising podcast and has been featured in multiple media outlets, including Fast Company, Inc., Entrepreneur, PR Daily, and She Owns It.

To learn more about Dr. Mazur’s books, coaching, and consulting programs, visit